Post-pandemic cultural landscapes

Kultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka
nr 4(120)/2022
Post-pandemic cultural landscapes

Post-pandemic cultural landscapes

This article aims to analyse the pandemic-driven changes in the perception of nature. It approaches the pandemic as a time of crisis – a critical and attitude-changing moment. The authors argue that due to the pandemic restrictions people started, on the one hand, to appreciate contact with nature and, on the other hand, to notice how the restrictions gave the nature a chance to regenerate itself. In the discussion of these two approaches, the paper refers to Edward O. Wilson’s Half-Earth Project, Emma Marris’s idea of rambunctious garden and William Cronon’s concept of wilderness. The latter two proposals, unlike Wilson’s idea, highlight the need to recognise the wild, untamed and ‘self-willed’ (as Wilson calls it) nature around us, even or especially when it is affected by human actions. As an example of such an approach, the authors explore the theory and practice of Gilles Clément’s third landscape. They also argue that the pandemic is an opportunity to reinvent and reinterpret the category of the sublime. Juxtaposed with the idea of wilderness, it can testify to the special character of natureculture that has emerged in the recent pandemic.

Key words: wildness, aesthetics, pandemic, nature, the sublime



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This article seeks to answer the question on how the prohibitions, orders, isolation, quarantines and interventions implemented by the state and local authorities have transformed life in the city. To what extent have they changed urban landscape? How permanent are these changes? The authors discuss the transformation of private and community relationships, the importance of social differences and inequalities, the effects of increased citizen control, risks related to democracy, the supremacy of new technologies, the role of the alert infrastructure, the reconstruction and changed function of facilities, and the future of public space. The article puts forward a thesis that in many ways and forms the pandemic space-time will remain with us forever. In other words, the changes that have taken place are fundamental and it is no longer possible to return to the past. We live in new time intervals, in which we temporarily enjoy more freedom of movement and participation in events and public gatherings, and unlimited forms of spending free time. The carnival is on; however, it is accompanied by the afterimages of the urban pandemic landscape and fears associated with the return of the pathogen, the global economic, energy and armed crisis, and the harbingers of the upcoming climate catastrophe.

Key words: city, pandemic, post-pandemic, landscape, experience



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The pandemic has intensified the online mediation of practices from many spheres of our lives. While the technological advancement allowed many people to continue working and studying despite the pandemic restrictions, it also prompted a discussion about the toxic impact of technology on people’s well-being. However, in this debate on the standards of the Internet services the arguments are dictated by cybercorporations. How to conduct research if a significant part of the infrastructure serving as the basis of social practices operates like a black box, with business generally recognised as the epicentre of the newly generated knowledge? It is also a question of how the academia, increasingly formatted by the market, could regain agency in this area. One of the answers could be to try to activate social resistance. The author presents the possible trajectories of an intervention conducted by researchers, which could be based on the narratives revolving around the historical and contemporary solutions, indicating the alternatives and speculating about the possible futures.

Key words: pandemic, media practices, media infrastructures, agency of science



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The history of the Church shows that global crises, such as plagues, natural disasters and wars, have always inspired a greater reflection on faith. In the past, limit situations verified the foundations of religiousness and forms of its expression. Given that the outcomes of this verification were at times negative and at other positive, the crises could either strengthen or weaken people’s faith and religiousness. This article seeks to answer the question of how the recent coronavirus pandemic (particularly at its peak, i.e. in 2020) affected the religiousness of the Polish people. The research material includes pandemic diaries – literary testimonies of the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic. They prove to be valuable direct records of that experience and incoming changes not from a distance but in statu mutationem, or at the time of their occurrence. The combination of two research perspectives (literary and theological) leads to the conclusion that changes in religiousness can be considered as symptoms of a new, post-pandemic order of faith, which partially questions the existing rituals as well as the concept of community and its significance in the spiritual experience.

Key words: pandemic and the Church, pandemic diaries, secularisation, contemporary spirituality, COVID-19



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The COVID-19 pandemic in the public space has been perceived primarily as a health risk and a threat to lives of millions of people. The danger caused by the virus, or in fact any other crisis, enforces but at the same time also enables the introduction of alternative social practices. The pandemic crisis marks the time when the previous activities, also in the organisation of culture and participation, are being abandoned while new practices are being developed. The article presents the theoretical assumptions in light of which a crisis – defined as the insufficient satisfaction of human needs on a mass scale – is a period of far-reaching social changes that may permanently transform society. These changes are the result of what the article refers to as consciousness alternativeism, which emerges in response to the crisis situation and unsatisfied needs. Based on these theoretical assumptions, the author analyses the changes in the organisation of cultural events described in selected reports and articles, the alternative forms of operation of cultural institutions and the communication channels they use to reach their audiences with their artistic offer.

Key words: pandemic, post-pandemic, culture in the pandemic, online culture



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This article addresses the museum through the prism of the current posthumanist discussions that are gaining in importance in the era of the COVID-19 post-pandemic. It analyses the historical attempts to break the dominant anthropocentric point of view and its vision of the world based on the modernist oppositions of nature–culture, human–non-human and material–immaterial. By recalling the examples of avant-garde practices and the resulting critical concepts of institution, the author ponders on the permanence of universalist narratives giving humans a privileged status and making the world subordinate to people. The paper asks questions about the future of the museum given the crisis of the anthropocentric paradigm and the need to redefine the existing concepts and rethink the relationship between humans and the environment. The only chance for this institution to survive in the Anthropocene is a post-human museum, which, the author argues, can protect the institution of art from becoming anachronistic and eventually forgotten. Is the vision of the institution based on caring for Other-than-Human Beings, promoting the interspecies communication and responding to modern challenges, possible to be implemented?

Key words: museum, institutional criticism, new museology, COVID-19, posthumanism



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New orders of reality?

This article seeks to describe the social and cultural changes in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The (post)pandemic landscape turned out to materialise the long-felt visions – dystopias. The metaphors of alienation and exile have proven dramatically real in the age of the general (self-)isolation. Particularly interesting are the social reactions to ‘new’ threats: from epidemic denialism and scepticism to epidemic panic. The biological cataclysm has triggered an avalanche of social antagonisms, contradicting the optimistic (and, it appears, naïve) thesis about the democratic nature of the disease/epidemic. In the context of the events observed since 2020, one may wonder why the world ignored the numerous warnings of microbiologists and epidemiologists, while humanity – despite the spectacular advancement in medicine – has repeated the old, pre-scientific mechanisms of constant maladjustment? Attempts to answer these questions are accompanied by an analysis of anxiety and fear as extremely important emotions governing the social life. The article develops the thesis about the significant narrative/myth-forming potential of nearly every epidemic, indicating its characteristic language and symbolic layer. Importantly, the paper also offers post-pandemic forecasts seeking to answer questions about what the new reality will look like and to what extent the presence of this biological threat will revise our (old) understanding of the world.

Key words: pandemic, fear, anxiety, catastrophe, apocalypse



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The aim of this article is to show the post-pandemic cultural landscape of sub-Saharan Africa, a region that, surprisingly, has managed to avoid the catastrophe of COVID-19. The first section interprets the local low morbidity and mortality due to the coronavirus. Next, the actions of the authorities in selected countries are discussed and the extent to which they will become a permanent practice in the local political culture is assessed. The progress of the vaccination campaign and its entanglement in the local politics is characterised. The paper highlights innovative solutions implemented in Africa on the front line of the battle against the coronavirus, including the increased popularity of mobile applications, largely unknown in the global North, which debunk the myth of the ‘primitive savage’. In addition, the text discusses the evolution in the perception of Western medicine, the change in cultural customs and the search for a scapegoat – those responsible for the plague – in multi-ethnic communities. Finally, the transformation of economic culture, ways of thinking by individuals and communities’ actions related to economy are presented. These changes, largely driven by the pandemic, may give rise to new democratic movements and thus accelerate the modernisation of sub-Saharan societies.

Key words: pandemic, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19, sub-Saharan Africa



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The COVID-19 pandemic forced the introduction of a sanitary regime with far-reaching restrictions on direct interpersonal contact. The need to cover the mouth and nose and social distancing have significantly affected communication. The touch, already recognised as a highly problematic medium, became a source of additional prohibitions. The need to ensure the safety of people most at risk of severe COVID-19, i.e. the elderly and chronically ill, contributed to their loneliness. On the one hand, the latter has long been a social disease; on the other hand, social distancing and reduced direct contact were to prevent the spread of the virus. These extraordinary circumstances have strengthened the haphephobic attitudes – the subject of interest of contemporary philosophy and art. In these areas, the unwanted legacy of the pandemic reveals itself not so much through changing the social reality as through reinforcing the previous divides, restrictions and conflicts. Consequently, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that the community in its traditional sense does not exist and must be redefined as a concept.

Key words: touch, haphephobia, pandemic, Jean-Luc Nancy, Rafał Ryterski



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This article ponders on the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily the first ever global lockdown, on the relations between humans and non-human animals in the city. Referring to the ideas of multi-species ethnography and other posthumanist approaches, the author shows that although direct impacts of the mentioned event turned out to be short-lived, the significance of the accompanying anthropause can be seen in the metamorphoses taking place in our imagination, approach to space and understanding of care. In this context, the COVID-19 pandemic resembles a portal that prefigures a different, more caring and interspecies-based urban life. It also highlights the frequently marginalised fact that the city is not only a co-inhabited space but also a co-constituted one by non-human animals. The article consists of four parts. The first section presents the interspecies nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, indicating excess urbanisation as its primary source. The second part examines the first global lockdown and how the experience of the resulting anthropause has inspired a change in the human-animal relations. The third and fourth sections discuss the possible consequences of people’s partial withdrawal from urban spaces, encouraging us to rethink the concepts of landscape, right to the city, and care, as well as consider the introduction of landscapes of interspecies care.

Key words: COVID-19 pandemic, anthropause, landscapes of interspecies care, multi-species ethnography, non-human animals



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The aim of this article is to analyse the post-pandemic culture that has emerged from the bottom-up reconfiguration of privacy and everyday life. The unfolding analysis is based on the online qualitative and quantitative research conducted on the relatively large albeit unrepresentative research samples. The project was implemented in three phases in 2020–2021. The interpretation of the research results includes a thematic analysis. Its purpose is to identify the emerging themes confirmed with the quantitative data. To outline the framework of the post-pandemic culture, the changing ways of understanding the COVID-19 pandemic in the structure of the subjects’ everyday experience are described. The results of the empirical research lead to the following conclusions about the post-pandemic era: (1) It is characterised by the inability to return to the pre-pandemic cultural practices and ways of life; (2) It is a social state of mindfulness and expectation of the symptoms of further unrest, crises and catastrophes; (3) It also includes the bottom-up changes in cultural practices in face of an uncertain future – a reconfiguration of home as an essential sphere for survival and improved relationships with nature represented by pets.

Key words: postpandemic culture, home, pets, crisis, future



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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has affected the everyday life of people around the world. All activities had to be adapted to the sinusoid of the alternately implemented and lifted restrictions. Because of the pandemic guidelines and instructions, the continuous sharing of the same space (a house or an apartment) with the same co-residents became a common experience. This context, in combination with the need to accommodate the previously spatially separated activities (work, studying, remote social gatherings of the household members) within the same space, prompted this analysis of the pandemic and post-pandemic directions for changes in the culture of living. However, the unfolding discussion does not focus only on the post-pandemic reality – the official end and long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have coincided with the consequences of the war in Ukraine, with both leading to the economic crisis striking with an increasing force since mid-2022. The analysis follows the logic of four key processes in the satisfaction of residents’ needs as proposed by Władysław Korzeniewski: (1) preparation of meals and eating; (2) social interactions; (3) studying; and (4) work. It is based on research on everyday life, living and other activities of Poles, as well as statistical data. Housing solutions, introduced in response to the pandemic, prove to have been tested and largely ready to use in face of the post-pandemic challenges and current crisis.

Key words: culture of living, multifunctionality of housing, everyday life, pandemic



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This article seeks to show the role of music in defining the pandemic and post-pandemic world on the example of selected COVID songs. Music is assumed to play an important role in explaining and understanding the world whose social order was disrupted, with many key dimensions of human life dramatically changed due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The text presents arguments highlighting the particular importance of music in contemporary culture and everyday life and discusses examples of research on the role of music in the pandemic. The analysis is illustrated with the narratives of the COVID songs, which fit into the broadly defined pandemic and post-pandemic musical discourse. They serve as a component in the construction of a new symbolic universe and the new post-pandemic ‘normality’. According to the perspective adopted for the purposes of this article, music is not only an element of social life that helps us define the world but also a tool for the communication and restoration of the symbolic order. In other words, the aim of this discussion is to show the onomastic function of music in the symbolic study of the world through the normalising power of the musical discourse as a record of human experience.

Key words: musical discourse, culture, COVID-19 pandemic, post-pandemic, symbolic universe



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Key words: human being, wisdom, knowledge, existence



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