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Expert culture in the age of uncertainty

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Expert culture in the age of uncertainty
Bocheński, Józef M. „Co to jest autorytet?”. W: Józef M. Bocheński. Logika i filozofia. Wybór pism. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1993.
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This article refers to Ulrich Beck’s concept describing key social actors in postmodern societies as ‘owners of risk definition measures’. In her analysis of expert opinions on the war in Ukraine (the situation on the frontline, possible extension of the conflict to other countries, potential scenarios for the warfare and the end of the war, the use of nuclear weapons by Russia), the author shows risk assessments, explanations and predictions related to the war. Discussing areas where experts agreed or disagreed in their opinions, she seeks to answer the question about the role of experts, the use of their expertise in the ongoing war and its impact on public opinion. In her article she points out challenges faced by experts in this dynamically evolving situation and under pressure from the mass media demanding a clear, concise and unequivocal communication. Rather than caused by insufficient knowledge or lack of experience, the discrepancies in the analysed expert opinions and assessments seem to result from excessive expectations regarding predictions and forecasts unsubstantiated by expert knowledge.
Key words: owners of risk definition measures, war, expert, predictions, media
Bauman, Zygmunt. Prawodawcy i tłumacze. Tłum. Andrzej Ceynowa, Jerzy Giebułtowski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 1998.
Beck, Ulrich. Społeczeństwo ryzyka. W drodze do innej nowoczesności. Tłum. Stanisław Cieśla. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2002.
Beck, Ulrich. Społeczeństwo światowego ryzyka. W poszukiwaniu utraconego bezpieczeństwa. Tłum. Bogdan Baran. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2012.
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Habermas, Jürgen. Teoria i praktyka. Wybór pism. Tłum. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Zdzisław Krasnodębski. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1983.
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Wierzchosławski, Rafał P. „Naukowcy w roli ekspertów: o pewnych problemach (re-)prezentacji prawdy w polityce”. Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 212, 2 (2017).
Exploring the role of media commentators in narratives on crisis situations posing a significant risk to people’s safety and social security, such as a pandemic or a war, this essay focuses primarily on experts commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, particularly in the first months of the conflict. The context of general uncertainty about the situation and the lack of trust in media experts is highlighted. While persons invited by the institutional media may have the status of experts or be perceived as such by the audience, the point of view presented by a witness to the events, a politician or a journalist naturally differs from that of a military analyst. The text also addresses the challenges related to shaping a neutral communication on dramatic war events in the institutional media and discusses the issue of self-proclaimed experts in social media and emotional ‘safety valves’ (jokes, memes) available online. The author reflects on the untapped knowledge and experience of academic experts and various sciences in shaping the image of war for media narratives.
Key words: experts, media culture, crisis narratives, war, propaganda
Bojor, Laviniu, Alin Cîrdei. „The challenges of social media platforms. Aspects of the social media war in Ukraine 2014–2022”. Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre 108, 4 (2022).
Courter, Ian J. „Russian preinvasion influence activities in the war with Ukraine”. Military Review 102, 5 (2022).
Daucé, Françoise, Benjamin Loveluck. „Shaping online news recommendations in Russia: The Yandex.News controversies”. Russian Analytical Digest 282 (2022).
Evans, Janice. „War in the age of TikTok”. Russian Analytical Digest 280 (2022).
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Rozum, słowo, dzieje. Szkice wybrane. Tłum. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Krzysztof Michalski. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2000.
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Rosling Hans, Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund. Factfulness. Dlaczego świat jest lepszy, niż myślimy, czyli jak stereotypy zastąpić realną wiedzą. Tłum. Monika Popławska. Poznań: Media Rodzina, 2018.
Stein, Jonas, Marc Keuschnigg, Arnout van de Rijt. „Network segregat ion and the propagation of misinformation”. Scientific Reports 13, 1 (2023).
For a long time the attention of media across the world was entirely dedicated to one topic only: the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to publishing the constantly updated statistical data and information on further pandemic restrictions, the press, television, internet and radio also sought to answer questions that occupied everyone’s mind at that time: What is the source of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and what caused the pandemic? How long will it take? What will happen next? Will the post-pandemic world be the same as before? Will the virus ever be completely defeated? This article presents the preliminary results of research on the perception of the situation during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (March–May 2020) by people considered to be authorities in social sciences in Poland. In the case of phenomena such as a virus pandemic, a situation where the knowledge of the average member of society is limited, public information and statements made by well-known figures play a particularly important role. Their ideas, recommendations and visions of the future, collected and analysed in this research project, create social perceptions, reflections and opinions about the current situation and, as is extremely important during the pandemic, they also influence our social practices and shape the social reality.
Key words: pandemic, coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, expert discourse
Bauman, Zygmunt. Wieloznaczność nowoczesna. Nowoczesność wieloznaczna. Tłum. Janina Bauman. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1995.
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The multiplicity of ways of living, beliefs and options to choose from is a distinctive feature of modern society. It coincides with a rapid increase in publicly available information due to the advancement of the internet and other media. The development of science has led to a profound expansion of knowledge. Struggling with the rising abundance and complexity of information, people opt for cognitive heuristics (e.g. affect and similarity, authority, social proof and scarcity heuristics) in its assessment. The growing complexity of the social world is also reflected in abstract systems – complexes of devices and organised social activities whose operation for most people remains unclear. Given our increasing dependence on these systems, we must trust someone. However, our trust is also founded on heuristics. The text presents expert discourses emerging in online communication and shaped in the conditions of information overflow and reliance on abstract systems. Referring to the case of medicine, it explains how the assessment of information quality and our trust in various entities depend on cognitive heuristics. A working classification of online medical experts is proposed that includes traditional, excommunicated and self-proclaimed experts. The author concludes that we are increasingly faced with the need to find and evaluate medical information on our own – a task that has never been more difficult.
Key words: expert, discourse, abstract systems, trust, online communication
Beck, Ulrich, Anthony Giddens, Scott Lash. Modernizacja refleksyjna. Tłum. Jacek Konieczny. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009.
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This article analyses the legitimacy of the criticism regarding the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions implemented as part of social rationality. The theoretical part is based on Ulrich Beck’s concept of the (world) risk society theory according to which potential threats are rising in late modernity, the power of experts is weaker while security-related conflicts continue to intensify. Four types of rationality – expert, administrative, political and social – are distinguished in the face of the pandemic risk, and the publicly contested pandemic regulations are outlined. The text identifies criticism strategies regarding the pandemic regulations claimed to be legitimate and radically different from the illegitimate strategies of total denial questioning the very existence of the pandemic and the efficacy of vaccines. A detailed analysis of 13 strategies is conducted including: ‘Dissociating from groups one considers illegitimate’, ‘The cure is worse than the disease’, ‘Criticism of tunnel vision’, ‘Unequal treatment’, ‘Dead letter’, ‘We have no tools’, ‘No harm is done to the willing’, ‘I drive fast but safely’, ‘Not enough restrictions’, ‘Defending the autonomy’, ‘Highlighting contradictions’, ‘Legalistic’, and ‘There is another alternative.’ The limits of legitimate criticism are proposed, and conclusions are drawn about conflicts in late modernity.
Key words: pandemic, legitimacy, risk, social rationality, protests
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This article aims to characterise two discourses (for and against) on vaccination, with a particular emphasis on the situation in Poland. There is a significant asymmetry between both sides, whereby the pro-vaccine one seems to have the advantage in access to the authorities, information channels and public opinion. This has led to the marginalisation of the anti-vaccine discourse, which has negative consequences such as the growth of extreme attitudes. Based on own research conducted on representatives of the dominant expert approach, the author shows that the status of an expert in the subject of vaccination is relative. Not only scientific and medical authorities can be recognised as experts in this area but also parents of vaccinated children who serve as sources of local knowledge. Referring to the concept of public participation and the tendency to include laypople in shared decision-making processes regarding scientific and technological innovations, it is proposed that social situations and institutions should be developed within which experts and non-experts, including those who are vaccine-hesitant, could discuss possible modifications to the vaccination schedule.
Key words: vaccination, scientific opinion, anti-vaccine movement, public participation, semi-peripheral countries
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Experts and post-experts
This article seeks to identify the principal types of experts that seem to have dominated the contemporary public sphere and media. The analysis focuses on the following models: directive expert and empathic expert, fake expert produced by the media and modern education system (two types), and transformation expert (‘midwife of change’). All models are described in terms of the cultural and social mechanisms that have contributed to their perpetuation in the contemporary media. The concept of an expert is also confronted with other ideas as ‘authority’ (based on expertise and moral), ‘social trust’, ‘competence’ and ‘amateur’. The individual types are studied within the framework of psychological metadiscourse that predominates in many spheres of contemporary media pop culture and media offers of personal change training, self-fulfilment coaching and pseudo-counselling. Expert legitimisation strategies within specific institutional structures, education systems and media are described. Particular attention is paid to the role of the post-war therapeutic culture that has dominated, also in its pop version, the contemporary media discourse and the ideology of transformational narratives in the mass and social media. An important role in the latter is played by the fake expert and the transformation expert.
Key words: expert, types of experts, new media, competences
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Ogonowska, Agnieszka. „Od intrygi i spisku do zagrożeń hybrydowych. Nowe kompetencje i edukacja medialna w cyberkulturze 3.0”. Studia de Cultura 14, 1 (2022).
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Rieff, Philip. The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Sztompka, Piotr. Socjologia: analiza społeczeństwa. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Znak, 2012.
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This article discusses examples derived from the expert discourse on the 1985–1995 HIV/AIDS epidemic in Poland. Presenting the first press and specialist literature narratives about the new epidemic, the author describes the then widespread belief in the effectiveness of education and tolerance as a remedy for the prevailing ‘stupidity’ and ‘ignorance’. He elaborates on the aporia of this approach and the internal contradictions in the specialist discourse on the example of the first Polish book on AIDS by Zofia Kuratowska, a physician and later also Senator of Poland. He also shows how expertise was used to legitimise the well-studied phenomenon of the pedagogy of shame – the stigmatisation and shaming (predominantly of the working class) by liberal elites in the times of Poland’s political transformation. This phenomenon is explained by relating the aversion to sexual minorities, attenuated in the expert discourse on AIDS, to Małgorzata Jacyno’s concept of classist phantasm. The diagnosis is supplemented with a thesis based on the use of psychoanalytical tools, according to which HIV-related violence and harassment during Poland’s political transformation was a manifestation of the unrecognised symbolic aversion to the West.
Key words: AIDS, HIV, political transformation, violence, psychoanalysis
Bourdieu, Pierre. Medytacje pascaliańskie. Tłum. Krzysztof Wakar. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 2006.
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Trasher, Steven W. The Viral Underclass. New York: Celadon Books, 2022.
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Warner, Michael. „Kłopotliwa normalność”. Tłum. Michał A. Pelczar. W: Teorie wywrotowe. Antologia przekładów, red. Agnieszka Gajewska. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2012.
This article focuses on the crisis in the area of expert-endorsed knowledge and culture dominated by hegemonic technologies, contributing to the growing refusal to conform to the opinion of experts facilitating the systemic exercise of the power of technopoly. The operations of such experts are both explicit (activity in the media) and implicit (designing of artificial intelligence algorithms). However, their authority is diminishing due to cultural change induced by social media. The text uses culture, specifically art and its critical contribution, as a reference point for the unfolding discussion. It presents artistic methodologies (decolonisation of technology) and theoretical proposals considering the said refusal in terms of the postulate of unlearning. James Bridle’s concept of ‘New Dark Age’ is juxtaposed with Neil Postman’s concept of technopoly. The state of uncertainty is indicated as allowing a different approach to the rising confusion due to excessive information and contradicting opinions. In contrast to the certainty of the expert opinion, alternative (non)knowledge cartographies are proposed to facilitate navigation in modern reality.
Key words: expert culture, knowledge cartography, technology decolonisation, unlearning, uncertainty
Bridle, James. New Dark Age. Technology and the End of the Future. London: Verso, 2018.
Gorchakovskaya, Anna. „Towards togetherness. Interview with Tabita Rezaire”. Digimag 86 (2020).
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Odell, Jenny. Jak robić nic? Manifest przeciw kultowi produktywności. Tłum. Aleksandra Weksej. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Kobiece, 2020.
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Wójtowicz, Ewa. „Od epoki Gutenberga do nawigacji po przestworze oceanu wiedzy. Wpływ (r)ewolucji informacyjnej na metody edukacyjne”. W: Myśleć sztuką, red. Aleksandra Paradowska, Marcin Szeląg. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Edukacji Artystycznej i Kuratorstwa UAP, 2020.
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This article presents two model biographies of young women to analyse pattern changes in expert careers. Focusing on commentators of social reality featuring in the media, a role previously reserved for representatives of the intelligentsia, the authors show that traditional intellectual capital (diplomas and a network of acquaintances) is becoming secondary to media capital. The first narrator, Adela, represents people who, despite a low cultural capital, particularly in its institutionalised part, begin to perform functions traditionally reserved for intellectuals and act as experts – political commentators, authorities and opinion leaders. The second narrator, Kornelia, is a person who, despite having a cultural and social capital and a strongly outlined biographical plan, did not decide to pursue an academic career. Both cases are suggested as being indicative of two sides of the decomposition process affecting the intelligentsia-based expert culture, as a result of which political commentators are increasingly being recruited from among people who have no university education or intelligentsia informed habitus but boast a significant media and symbolic capital.
Key words: biographical research, expert culture, intelligentsia, intellectual capital, cultural capital
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Bourdieu, Pierre. O telewizji. Panowanie dziennikarstwa. Tłum. Anna Ziółkowska, Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009.
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Couldry, Nick. „Media meta-capital: Extending the range of Bourdieu’s field theory”. Theory and Society 32 (2003).
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The analysis presented in this article focuses on the phenomenon of experts at local level, primarily residents and people involved in local decision-making processes. Its aim is to answer questions about the shape of the analysed phenomenon and the principal factors that determine this type of expertise. The primary question is defined as follows: Do residents/local activists show indications of expertise? Can they be referred to as experts? Under what conditions? What qualities turn representatives of local communities into experts? The discussion, based primarily on source literature, leads to the conclusion that residents/local activists become experts primarily by experience. As a result of this democratisation of expertise virtually all residents can express their opinion regardless of their education, qualifications, skills and knowledge of the applicable procedures or local formal structures.
Key words: local activists, expert knowledge, experts by experience, local politics
Collins, Harry. „Are experts right or are they members of expert groups?”. A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy 32 (2018).
Fischer, Frank. Citizens, Experts, and the Environment. The Politics of Local Knowledge. Durham: Duke University Press Books, 2000.
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Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Glen, Paul, David H. Maister, Warren B. Bennis. Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead the People Who Deliver Technology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.
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The aim of this article is to analyse the cultural and social phenomenon of football referees, with a particular emphasis on the FIFA World Cup in Qatar held in winter 2022 with the use of the latest electronic monitoring technology: a semi-automated Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system. For the first time in the World Cup’s history, the final match was officiated by Polish referees under the supervision of Szymon Marciniak. Their work was described as exemplary both by FIFA and the public opinion, while Marciniak’s expertise was also confirmed in the subsequent UEFA Champions League matches. The referees’ success at the World Cup has turned them into media stars, prompting cultural, philosophical and sociological reflections on the role of referees in contemporary sport. What qualities and psychophysical, ethical and social competencies should they have as experts of a specific type? Given the unprecedented appointment of female referees at the World Cup in Quatar, a question also arises about women’s ability to handle this elaborate role. The author tries to provide synthetic answers to these and similar questions, while encouraging an even more extensive and in-depth theoretical discussion about referees, umpires and other sports officials.
Key words: contemporary culture, football, refereeing, FIFA World Cup
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Key words: symbolic borders, symbolic interactionism, symbolism, relational identity, communality
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Key words: anthropology of everyday life, transformation, postmodernity, Powidoki codzienności, Roch Sulima