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Marianna Michałowska
Introduction. The humanist’s continuous challenge: diagnosing the present
Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska
Diagnoses of the present. Reprint from “Kultura Współczesna” 2–3(28–29)/2001
Krzysztof Łukasiewicz
On the origins of Polish cultural studies
Ewa Kosowska
E pur si muove. On narratives in cultural studies
Anna Matuchniak-Mystkowska
The field of culture in Poland. A brief sociological study
Tomasz Ferenc
William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki. What can we learn from the precursors of research on migration?
Tomasz Kukołowicz, Zuzanna Maciejczak, Rafał Wiśniewski
Poles’ participation in contemporary historical culture and its dimensions
Ewa Rewers
The (not only) jubilee questions
Magdalena Matysek-Imielińska
Let’s be realists and demand the impossible! Cultural studies and a turn towards utopia?
Mirosław Filiciak
Redesigning, reprogramming. On one of the possible paths for further development of cultural research
Włodzimierz K. Pessel
Vital cultural studies
Tomasz Kukołowicz, Rafał Wiśniewski
Empirical research for cultural policy. A retrospective
A discussion in the editorial team: Leszek Korporowicz, Rafał Koschany, Marek Krajewski, Tomasz Majewski, Andrzej Radomski, Agata Skórzyńska, Rafał Wiśniewski, Maciej Ząbek
Insight into the past
The article presents the rise of Polish cultural studies into a scientific discipline and academic trend, placing it in a broader perspective of culture as such and of early-modernist intellectual approaches to it. Revealing the philosophical, social and political context behind cultural studies, the paper uses it as a background to discuss different approaches to reflection on culture which cultural studies had to confront on its path to its cultural identity. This is where culture in its general theoretical dimension meets the specific Polish historical conditions.
Key words: the concept of culture, philosophy of culture, Polish thought, sociology of culture, modernism
Błeszyński, Kazimierz. „Z literatury filozoficznej”. Krytyka 40, 1 (1913).
Bollenbeck, Georg. Bildung und Kultur. Glanz und Elend eines deutschen Deutungsmusters. Frankfurt am M.: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1996.
Bollenbeck, Georg. „Warum der Begriff «Kultur» um 1900 reformulierungsbedürftigwird”. W: Konkurrenten in der Faktultät. Kultur, Wissen und Universität um 1900, red. Christoph König, Ernst Lämmert. Frankfurt am M.: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1999.
Bruch, Rüdiger vom, Friedrich W. Graf, Gangolf Hübinger. „Einleitung: Kulturbegriff, Kulturkritik und Kulturwissenschaften um 1900”. W: Kultur und Kulturwissenschaften um 1900: Krise der Moderne und Glaube an die Wissenschaft, red. Rüdiger vom Bruch, Friedrich W. Graf, Gangolf Hübinger. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 1989.
Feldman, Wilhelm. „Cywilizacya a kultura”. Krytyka 1, 2 (1910).
Kaczocha, Włodzimierz. Filozofia cywilizacji i kultury. Teorie filozoficzne rozwijane w Polsce w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Poznań: Ars Nova, 1998.
Krasuski, Eugeniusz. Zagadnienia kultury. Warszawa: Nakładem księgarni Wincentego Jakowickiego, 1913.
Mencwel, Andrzej. „Wstęp”. W: Historia i kultura, red. Andrzej Mencwel. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1987.
Nycz, Ryszard. Język modernizmu. Prolegomena historycznoliterackie. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo „Leopoldinum” Fundacji dla Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1997.
Ossowski, Stanisław. „Fragmenty «Dziennika»”. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 27, 4 (1983).
Pietraszko, Stanisław. Przedmiot i funkcje teorii kultury. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1983.
Seier, Andrea. „«Überall Cultur und kein Ende». Zur diskursiven Konstitution von «Kultur» um 1900”. W: Der Gesellschaftskörper: zur Neuordnung von Kultur und Geschlecht um 1900, red. Hannelore Bublitz, Christine Hanke, Andrea Seier. Frankfurt am M.: Campus, 2000.
„Seminarium filozoficzne pod kierunkiem profesora Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego. Rok akademicki 1937/38”. Studia Filozoficzne 1 (1978).
Waszkiewicz, Jan. „Teorya cywilizacyi. Wyjątek z rękopisu pod tytułem: Krótki zbiór ekonomii politycznej, ułożony podług sławnieyszych w tey nauce autorów”. Dziennik Wileński 10 (1823).
Znaniecki, Florian, rec., „Eugenjusz Krasuski. Zagadnienia kultury”. Książka 13, 11 (1913).
The article presents selected types of narratives that have accompanied the development of cultural studies for the past four decades. They include programme texts, interpretations of cultural phenomena of various methodological focus and elements of a public debate on the significance and role of the currently available findings. The images of cultural studies emerging from these narratives provide the basis for a reflection on the actual possibility to establish a new humanistic discipline in the rapidly changing formal and legal conditions.
Key words: cultural studies, discourse, scientific discipline
Abassy, Małgorzata. „Kulturoznawstwo jako myśl porządkująca doświadczanie kultury”. Relacje Międzykulturowe – Intercultural Relations 3, 1 (2018).
Burszta, Wojciech J., Michał Januszkiewicz, red., Kulturo-znawstwo. Dyscyplina bez dyscypliny? Warszawa: Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej, 2010.
Dijk van, Teun A., red., Dyskurs jako struktura i proces. Tłum. Grzegorz Grochowski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2001.
Fereński, Piotr J., Anna Gomóła, Krzysztof Moraczewski, red., Antologia tekstów polskiego kulturoznawstwa. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Katedra”, 2017.
Fereński, Piotr J., Anna Gomóła, Paweł Majewski, Krzysztof Moraczewski, red., Historia mówiona polskiego kulturoznawstwa. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Katedra”, 2017.
Fereński, Piotr J. Kierunek eksperymentalny. Początki pierwszych w Polsce studiów kulturoznawczych. Wrocław: Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Alfa”, 2012.
Gomóła, Anna, Marek Pacukiewicz, red., Badanie kultury. Ludzie, projekty, realizacje. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2016.
Kluszczyński, Ryszard W., Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska, red., Perspektywy badań nad kulturą. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2008.
Kmita, Jerzy. Późny wnuk filozofii. Wprowadzenie do kulturoznawstwa. Poznań: Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2007.
Kosowska, Ewa. „Uwagi na marginesie dorobku wrocławskiego kulturoznawstwa”. Kultura Współczesna 1, 2010.
Łukasiewicz, Krzysztof, Izolda Topp, red., „Kultura jako cultura”. Prace Kulturoznawcze 12 (2011).
Mencwel, Andrzej, Grzegorz Godlewski, Andrzej Kołakowski, Joanna Kubicka, Paweł Majewski, Paweł Rodak, Małgorzata Szpakowska, red., Kulturologia polska w XX wieku. T. 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2013.
Michałowska, Marianna, Joanna Ostrowska, red., Kultura do poznania, kultura do tworzenia / Culture to meet, culture to create. 40 lat Instytutu Kulturoznawstwa UAM. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2016.
Pietraszko, Stanisław. Uniwersyteckie studia kulturoznawcze. Warszawa: Centralny Ośrodek Metodyki Upowszechniania Kultury, 1973.
Pietraszko, Stanisław, red., Przedmiot i funkcje teorii kultury. Materiały konferencji naukowej. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1982.
Sójka, Jacek. „Kulturoznawstwo i jego źródła”. Filo-Sofija 12, 1 (2011).
Sójka, Jacek, red., Perspektywy refleksji kulturoznawczej. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Fundacji Humaniora, 1995.
Zeidler-Janiszewska, Anna. „Diagnozy współczesności”. Kultura Współczesna 28–29, 2–3 (2001).
The text focuses on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of the field of culture, providing both a theoretical insight and empirical applications. It also refers to the concepts of Polish sociologists, Antonina Kłoskowska, Bogusław Sułkowski and Stefan Żółkiewski, on the social framework of culture. The field of culture and its functioning in Poland is described based on the current statistical data and sociological research, just like in the writings by the aforementioned classics of sociology. The article discusses the institutional framework of culture (the field of agents), cultural participation (the field of recipients) and field dilemmas (influence of the field of politics on the field of culture, duration and changeability of institutions and the position of the goods of culture, strategies used by artists and practices adopted by recipients). Selected theoretical concepts and empirical data are presented which paint a certain picture of social reality, while offering space for further reflections, studies and ideas.
Key words: Pierre Bourdieu, Antonina Kłoskowska, Bogusław Sułkowski, field of culture, social framework of culture, cultural institutions, cultural participation
Bandier, Norbert, Anna Matuchniak, Bogusław Sułkowski, red., Pratiques culturelles et logiue des institutions, Lyon–Łódź. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004.
Bourdieu, Pierre. Dystynkcja. Społeczna krytyka władzy sądzenia. Tłum. Piotr Biłos. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo „Scholar”, 2005.
Bourdieu, Pierre. „Le marché des biens symboliques”. L’Année Sociologique 22 (1971).
Bourdieu, Pierre. Reguły sztuki. Geneza i struktura pola literackiego. Tłum. Andrzej Zawadzki. Kraków: TAiWPN „Universitas”, 2001.
Bourdieu, Pierre, Alain Darbel, Dominique Schnapper. L’amour de l’art. Les musées d’art européens et leur public. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit, 1969.
Kłoskowska, Antonina. Kultura masowa. Krytyka i obrona. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1965.
Kłoskowska, Antonina. Kultury narodowe u korzeni. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1996.
Kłoskowska, Antonina. Socjologia kultury. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1983.
Krawczyk-Wasilewska, Violetta, Monika Kucner, Emilia Zimnica-Kuzioła, red., Kultura jako czynnik rozwoju miasta na przykładzie Łodzi. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2012.
Matuchniak, Anna. „Artysta – gracz czy pionek? O sytuacji łódzkich artystów plastyków. Studium lokalnego pola kulturalnego”. W: Artystów gry z kulturą, red. Andrzej Kisielewski. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku: Białystok 2009.
Matuchniak, Anna. Zarys socjologii sztuki Pierre’a Bourdieu. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 2010.
Matuchniak, Anna, Bogusław Sułkowski, Norbert Bandier, Abdelhafid Hammouche, red., Lokalne pola produkcji kulturalnej w Polsce i we Francji. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2010.
Rocznik statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Warszawa: GUS, 2017.
Sułkowski, Bogusław. „Prywatyzacja i dezetatyzacja kultury”. W: Socjologia i społeczeństwo polskie, red. Kaja Kaźmierska. Łódź: Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 1998.
Sułkowski, Bogusław. „«Społeczne ramy kultury» czterdzieści lat później. Pięć modeli komunikacji kulturowej”. Kultura i Społeczeństwo 55, 2–3 (2011).
William I. Thomas and Florian Znaniecki undoubtedly belong to the precursors of research on migration. With the 100th anniversary of the publishing of The Polish Peasant in Europe and America, the paper prompts a reference to this unique work. The first part of the article discusses contemporary migration processes, the second refers directly to Thomas and Znaniecki’s book, while the third focuses on a new type of personal documents. Produced by migrants and refugees, they may and should be a subject of interest to social researchers.
Key words: migrations, William I. Thomas, Florian Znaniecki, biographical method, personal documents, visual methods
Bauman, Zygmunt. Obcy u naszych drzwi. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2016.
Bazán, José L. „A refugee crisis in Europe? Questioning perceptions in the current migration debate”. W: Kryzys migracyjny w Europie. Wyzwania etyczne, społeczno-kulturowe i etniczne, red. Janusz Balicki, Wojciech Necel. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW, 2017.
Bulmer, Martin. The Chicago School of Sociology. Institutionalisation, Diversity, and the Rise of Sociological Research. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1984.
Chałasiński, Józef. Młode pokolenie chłopów. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Kultury Wsi, 1938.
Gold, Stephen J. „Using photography in studies of immigrant communities”. W: Visual Research Methods. Image, Society and Representation, red. Gregory C. Stanczak. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007.
Hałas, Elżbieta. Znaczenia i wartości społeczne. O socjologii Floriana Znanieckiego. Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL, 1991.
Iglicka, Krystyna. Kontrasty migracyjne Polski. Wymiar transatlantycki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo „Scholar”, 2008.
Kaźmierska, Kaja. „Wywiad narracyjny – technika i pojęcia analityczne”. W: Biografia a tożsamość narodowa, red. Marek Czyżewski, Andrzej Piotrowski, Alicja Rokuszewska-Pawełek. Łódź: Katedra Socjologii Kultury UŁ, 1996.
Sakson, Andrzej. „Migracje – fenomen XX i XXI wieku”. Przegląd Zachodni 2 (2008).
Sinatti, Giulia. „The Polish peasant revisited. Thomas and Znaniecki’s classic in the light of contemporary transnational migration theory”. Sociologica 2 (2008).
Thomas, William I., Florian Znaniecki. Chłop polski w Europie i Ameryce. T. 1. Warszawa: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza, 1976.
Recent studies of culture and cultural participation in Poland are marked by a turn towards heritage and collective memory. As regards science and its distinctive status, certain trends may be observed that are parallel to general changes occurring in culture and social life. Cultural studies includes research on politics of memory and historical culture. Regardless of changing cultural practices, studies of cultural participation and of memory and heritage are usually treated as autonomous. Works which describe dimensions of cultural participation in terms of frequency of engaging in socially sanctioned practices, typically reduce historical culture to a museum activity. The article reflects on the phenomenon of the time of memory, discussing how it affects the interpretation of cultural participation and its dimensions, along with the respective empirical research. It is based on the assumption that the actor-network theory, applied by Marek Krajewski to research on cultural participation, is a good starting point for studying participation in historical culture understood here as an area of cultural activities that include collective memory and heritage.
Key words: historical culture, politics of memory (history), cultural participation, heritage, collective memory, actor-network theory, subjectivity
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How to study culture nowadays?
The authors and readers of “Kultura Współczesna” need to face the following questions: 1. Does the term ‘culture’ still carry any distinctive meaning? 2. How does the diffusion (dispersion) of the subject of research affect one’s attitude to its theory? 3. Why has transdisciplinarity (in “Kultura…”) turned out to be impossible? With the concept of culture widely disseminated across a variety of research, a new ‘culture outside culture’ is born which turns into the main subject of discussion. Its rise is further facilitated by the ‘crisis’ of theory driven by intergenerational criticism and lack of interest in developing new theoretical languages. Lack of trust in theory translates into a declining interest in transdisciplinarity.
Key words: culture outside culture, crisis of theory, transdisciplinarity
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The article analyzes contemporary interest in utopia as a method in the area of the new humanities. The author asks whether nowadays, after the post-critical turn, humanists can afford to use utopia as a method. She also ponders on the attitude that would have to be adopted for this methodology. In this context, she briefly discusses the proposals of Jeffrey C. Alexander, Immanuel Wallerstein and Ruth Levitas, while identifying ethical and methodological problems related to utopian experiments and their limits. Taking into account her methodological findings about utopia as a method, she continues her search through Polish cultural studies, pointing for example to Jan Sowa’s works and broader research trends presented at the 3rd Congress of the Polish Association of Cultural Studies in Poznań. While diagnosing them only as a preliminary phase, she believes they may be the phenomena that herald a turn towards utopia in the Polish humanities.
Key words: a turn towards utopia, utopian studies, methodology of the new humanities, cultural studies, activist studies, engaged humanities
Alexander, Jeffrey C. Siła utopii i utopia naprawy obywatelskiej. Tłum. Przemysław Sadura. W: Współczesne teorie socjologiczne, red. Aleksandra Jasińska-Kania, Lech M. Nijakowski, Jerzy Szacki, Marek Ziółkowski. T. 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Scholar”, 2006.
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Approaching science as a field of culture, the article discusses the possibility of broadening cultural research with tools used in designing. Various forms of speculative design are presented as an opportunity to establish a dialogue with entities from outside the academia and thus a way in which researchers may influence social imagination. While risky, as it can potentially weaken the academia’s autonomy, in a world where many human activities take place in a pre-designed and pre-programmed space, such move may prove essential to complement critical discourse.
Key words: cultural studies, crisis in the humanities, design, future, broadening of the field of culture
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The article presents the state of research and prospects for further development of Polish cultural studies towards the end of the 2010s. Occasionally accused of being stagnant or non-specific, the discipline is analyzed through the category of vitality. By applying it, the author attempts to provide a synthetic reconstruction of the panorama of Polish cultural studies. It is not only dense and diverse, but it also seems to have a guaranteed future. Polish cultural studies defends itself in the social field of relations in which contemporary researchers operate.
Key words: cultural studies, Polish cultural thought, subjects of cultural research, contemporary culture, cultural centres in Poland
Barker, Chris. Studia kulturowe. Teoria i praktyka. Tłum. Agata Sadza. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2005.
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Mencwel, Andrzej. „Przyczyniać się pomału”. W: Animacja kultury. Doświadczenie i przyszłość, red. Grzegorz Godlewski, Iwona Kurz, Andrzej Mencwel, Michał Wójtowski. Warszawa: IKP UW, 2002.
Mills, Charles W. Wyobraźnia socjologiczna. Tłum. Marta Bucholc. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2007.
Niżnik, Józef. Przedmiot poznania w naukach społecznych. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1979.
Skórzyńska, Agata. Praxis i miasto. Ćwiczenia z kulturowych badań angażujących. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, 2017.
Following the logic of diachronic analysis, the article discusses systematic diagnoses intended to shape and develop cultural policy, while presenting the evolution of research that has been conducted for the purposes of cultural policy ever since the early 1990s, with a particular focus on the strategic role of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, National Centre for Culture Poland (NCK) and quarterly “Kultura Współczesna”. The starting point for the discussion are the actions of the Institute of Culture, the first publisher of “Kultura Współczesna”, followed by the research activity of the National Centre for Culture Poland continued for the purposes of cultural policy and including for example the NCK Culture Observatory and NCK Repository of Reports.
Key words: cultural policy, attention economics, the culture of excess, database of reports
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What do we need cultural sciences for?
The condition of contemporary cultural sciences, their affiliation to and place among other scientific fields have for years been the focus of many researchers. However, taking into account particularly the recent discussions on the condition of Polish science, a reflection on culture and cultural research becomes pivotal to establishing the context for our interests, identifying tasks and developing interdisciplinary areas of cooperation. To this end, we have asked authors representing diverse interests, from cultural and anthropological to sociological and historical, and different scientific entities to answer the following questions: 1. Polish cultural studies since the early 20th century has produced its own substantial output, while remaining close to European and global ideas regarding culture. Which concepts and theories of cultural research do you find inspiring in contemporary studies? 2. Contemporary cultural research is marked for its interdisciplinarity and collaboration of many “cultural sciences”: cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, history. Nowadays it does not shy away even from economics or natural sciences. How do you see the ways in which research devoted specifically to cultural phenomena is being developed, and how to shape the field of cooperation between the cultural studies, with its integrating approach, and other disciplines in this respect? 3. How may contemporary cultural and educational institutions benefit from cultural research? We hope that the responses will provide a starting point for a further discussion.