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Women and the countryside

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Women and the countryside
‘Patriarchy’ is one of many terms frequently applied in the studies of the Polish countryside (its culture and people’s mentality). Perceived as self-evident, the notion hardly ever comes with an in-depth justification for its use. At the same time, ethnographic literature, classical rural sociology, diary materials, monographs, and linguistic data offer no evidence to support the claim about patriarchy in rural areas. While Polish society, part of which was rural, and the attitude of the Church as a rule could be described as patriarchal, rural communities developed mechanisms and customs that contradicted this general profile. Based on a review of arguments from various sources, the author draws a different conclusion and proposes its justification. As suggested by contemporary humanities and, more broadly, social sciences, dichotomous categories may hinder the theoretical analysis of reality, making a search for new, less dualistic but more adequate, concepts necessary. In view of the above, the term ‘patriarchy’ should not be used unquestioningly as a strictly ideological epithet.
Key words: patriarchy, rural family, social activity, human rights ideology
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The past decades have seen a considerable, albeit uneven, outflow of young population from rural areas, with significantly more women migrating than men. Women that stay, tend to do it on their own terms, refusing to follow in the footsteps of their overworked mothers. Contemporary women who decide to live in the countryside often negotiate their rights and the division of responsibilities with their future husbands before marriage, and then enforce the effective implementation of the agreement. This article outlines the historical background of women’s work in the countryside, seeking to explain the origins, reasons, and consequences of the current dramatic shift in the situation of rural women. Based on studies conducted since the early 21st century in Poland’s region of Podlasie, the author describes changes in the social position of rural women in this area, both in terms of their role in the family and outside, i.e. in the professional and social life. The paper shows how women managed to rise from the status of a largely oppressed group to a frequently more privileged position than that of men.
Key words: work in the countryside, agriculture, rural woman, rural anthropology, work anthropology
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The aim of this article was to study farmers’ opinions regarding the decisionmaking processes in family farm management and identify differences between women and men, also with regards to the gender-specific cultural patterns of behaviour. The scope of rural women’s responsibilities and expectations seems to grow with their attachment to the inhabited land. Those that do not migrate but start a family in the countryside are faced with increasingly more responsibilities and have less chance to find an economically attractive job in their place of living or within a commutable distance that would allow them to combine their roles. The actual and declared patterns of behaviour tend to differ. Regardless of who effectively makes the strategic decisions in the farm, it is more important what is communicated publicly as in line with the current cultural model of the farmer. The study shows that women do both the farmwork and the housework, regularly taking decisions, large and small, and performing an array of tasks in both areas. Nevertheless, women’s diversity in terms of roles and activities seems to demonstrate their pursuit of ‘emancipation’, narrowly defined as a shift in the scope of responsibilities, rather than attest to their increasing independence.
Key words: family farms, female farmers, cultural patterns of behaviour, farm management, decision making
Bisaga, Anna. „Cele autonomiczne gospodarstw rolnych podstawą transformacji ich tradycyjnych funkcji”. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu 13, 5 (2011).
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The social activity of women living in rural areas is highly diversified and includes, for example, Rural Women Associations (RWAs), traditional organisations historically embedded in the Polish countryside. Having served their local rural populations for ages, they have always been in need of a diversified capital. Its acquisition can be facilitated through different entities, with cooperation taking a variety of forms and defi nitions. My analysis focuses on RWAs’ partnerships with local and external organisations located outside their commune (in Polish: gmina). What local entities do RWAs engage in cooperation with most frequently and in what form? Do they cooperate with entities from outside their commune? The RWAs included in my study tended to collaborate mostly with other RWAs and, much less frequently, with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) of the new type, Volunteer Fire Brigades (VFBs), and Local Action Groups (LAGs). They did not engage in collaboration with social cooperatives and only rarely worked with local or external public institutions and NGOs from other areas than their gmina. Joint implementation of projects proved to be the preferred form; however, RWAs were not included in the project preparation. Given their limited potential in establishing cooperation with other entities, the role of RWAs in the creation and implementation of social services in rural areas remains largely limited. With cooperation reduced almost exclusively to the local level, the acquisition of the financial, human, and social capital from institutions and organisations located outside rural areas is diminished, petrifying the local relationships and preventing change in the culture of cooperation.
Key words: Rural Women Associations (RWAs), cooperation networks, forms of cooperation, new public governance
Abramowicz, Joanna, Anna Borowczak, Izabela Grabowska, Zofia Polańska, Zuzanna Popis, Marta Kopczyńska, Andrzej Krzewski, Bartosz Ledzion. Raport końcowy z badania pn. Określenie optymalnego modelu funkcjonowania Lokalnych Grup Działania w nowej perspektywie finansowej oraz ocena jakości i efektywności ich funkcjonowania. Warszawa: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, 2019.
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One of the public activity forms by rural women is participation in the local community management processes, although traditionally women’s role in this sphere has been marginal. The latter can be partially explained by people’s attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, views, and opinions. The aim of this article is to present rural women’s attitudes to the co-management of their commune (in Polish: gmina) in three dimensions: cognitive (ideas and knowledge about management), behavioural (interest, willingness to participate, and participation in management), and emotional (evaluation of and satisfaction with the actions of authorities, trust in these entities). The unfolding analysis is based on a study conducted in selected gminas in Poland’s Łódzkie Voivodeship on a sample of 700 people as part of the ‘Management Models and Their Determinants in Rural Communes’ project co-financed by the National Science Centre. The studied women were not willing to participate in management, adopted passive and conservative attitudes, and accepted the model of management through representation rather than co-management. These results seem to contradict the theses about women’s high potential for participation in co-management. This finding is not a good prognosis for the future, as it may constitute yet another barrier in the development of a more participatory and democratic concept of rural management.
Key words: co-management in the countryside, rural women, attitudes to management, rural sociology
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The female perspective
The period of the Polish People’s Republic (communist Poland, in Polish: Polska Republika Ludowa, PRL) was a difficult time for the Polish rural population, marked by dynamic changes. Nevertheless, the impact of socialist ideology on Polish agriculture was not as profound as the patterns of Soviet collectivisation present in the official propaganda until the end of the Stalin era could indicate. Traditional family farms operated alongside the nationalised production plants of the new type. The revision and modification of the long-established family and social patterns proved difficult. In the times of rapid industrialisation, young people left their hometowns and villages for the city to find better conditions for personal and professional development. In the 1950s, documentaries started playing the role of a seismograph of social change, with many directors addressing rural issues and adopting a critical and interventional approach to the contemporary situation. This article focuses on Irena Kamieńska, one of the most famous Polish documentary filmmakers, and her capturing of the social aspects of life in the PRL through the prism of historical anthropology. The female perspective, as indicated in the title, can be found in the specific character of Kamieńska’s productions that can be read not only as films documenting the social life of that period but also as universal stories of the excluded, the poor, and the lonely, regardless of age. Kamieńska presents socialism, proclaimed a system of opportunities and development, in equivocal terms. Rather than offer ready answers or fixed instructions the director encourages a deeper reflection and thus subscribes, as a documentary filmmaker, to the larger movement of the Polish cinema of moral anxiety.
Key words: Polish People’s Republic (PRL), countryside, documentary films, Irena Kamieńska
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This article discusses Marcel Łoziński’s The Visit (1974), confronting it with the reality of the Gierek decade and the situation of Polish rural women in the 1970s. The film depicts an ideological conflict between a female farmer interested in literature and theatre, and a journalist as the embodiment of what is modern and urban. The women’s clash is an interesting starting point for a broader discussion on the subject matter, message, and visual aspects of the documentary, particularly in the context of staging and provocation. The paper addresses a very significant issue of media invasiveness and journalism ethics associated with the responsibility of journalists and filmmakers. Using the example of The Visit, the author describes the behaviour and statements of the film characters, and their determination in the presence of the camera. She discusses the cinematography, which plays an essential role in conveying the theses made in the film, the trap of adopting a stereotypical approach to rural populations, the mixed reception of the film, and its links to one of Łoziński’s later productions, So It Doesn’t Hurt (1998).
Key words: documentary, Marcel Łoziński, the ethics of a documentary filmmaker, the 1970s, contemporary media
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This essay offers an analysis of the countryside defined and perceived as an inhabited place but also as a landscape where the visual evolves into a multi-sensory experience. The text is divided into three sections corresponding to three dimensions of the landscape. The aesthetic dimension relates to the visual features of the landscape which determine its aesthetic sense. The participatory dimension comprises the cultural sense that encompasses the meanings inscribed in the landscape as well as the social and historical processes that make the taskspace with its patterns of dwelling activities. The third dimension, whose description is based on Józef Chełmoński’s painting Indian Summer, is represented by the embodied landscape defined by the polysensory features and tactility playing the primary role (the landscape can be ‘touched’). These three dimensions show how the relationship between humans and the landscape can change in two differing situations: when humans adopt a distanced attitude of viewers or that of participants who enter the landscape and shape it not only physically and symbolically, but also in the sensory dimension.
Key words: landscape, countryside, a walk, participation, experiences
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Berleant, Arnold. The Aesthetics of Environment. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.
Edensor, Tim. „Wiejskie spacery. Refleksyjne, ucieleśnione praktyki i sposoby odosobnionego wędrowania”. Tłum. Magdalena Górna. W: Krajobrazy. Antologia tekstów, red. Beata Frydryczak, Dorota Angutek. Poznań: Wydawnictwo PTPN, 2014.
Frydryczak, Beata. Krajobraz. Od estetyki the picturesque do doświadczenia topograficznego. Poznań: Wydawnictwo PTPN, 2013.
Ingold, Tim. Being Alife. Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description. London – New York: Routledge, 2011.
Ingold, Tim. „Czasowość krajobrazu”. Tłum. Beata Frydryczak. W: Krajobrazy. Antologia tekstów, red. Beata Frydryczak, Dorota Angutek. Poznań: Wydawnictwo PTPN, 2014.
MacNaghten, Phil, John Urry, red., Bodies of Nature. London: Sage, 2001.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. Fenomenologia percepcji. Tłum. Małgorzata Kowalska, Jacek Migasiński. Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia, 2001.
Paterson, Mark. The Senses of Touch. Haptics, Affects and Technologies. Oxford – New York: Berg, 2007.
Paterson, Mark. „«W jaki sposób dotyka nas świat»: estetyka haptyczna”. Tłum. Michalina Kmiecik. Ruch Literacki 61, 2 (2020).
Rodaway, Paul. Sensuous Geographies. Body, Sense and Place. London – New York: Routledge, 1994.
Simmel, Georg. „Mentalność mieszkańców wielkich miast”. W: Most i drzwi. Wybór esejów. Tłum. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 2006.
Sławek, Tadeusz. „Cienie i rzeczy. Rozważania o dotyku”. W: W przestrzeni dotyku, red. Jacek Kurek, Krzysztof Maliszewski. Chorzów: Miejski Dom Kultury Batory, 2009.
Urry, John. Socjologia mobilności. Tłum. Janusz Stawiński. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009.
Wylie, John. Landscape. London – New York: Routledge, 2007.
Wiśniewski, Rafał, Grażyna Pol, Rafał Pląsek, Agnieszka Bąk. Oswajając zmienność. Kultura lokalna z perspektywy domów kultury [Taming diversity. Local culture from the perspective of community centres]. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2021.
Key words: a place, identity of local cultural institutions, inclusive definition of culture, interdisciplinary character of locality
2021: The Year of Cyprian Norwid
An exquisite artist of the word himself, Cyprian Norwid was also a voracious, observant, and critical reader. He authored many writings about reading, or the ‘art of reading’ that requires effort, commitment, and collaboration with the writer. The poet used the verb ‘to read’ in several meanings: 1) ‘To put letters into words and words into sentences, and thus discern their content and decode them at the fundamental level’; 2) ‘To utter or render aloud, perorate, recite’; 3) ‘To consider, analyse, interpret, and grasp the actual meaning of words and utterances’; and 4) ‘To examine someone or something closely, and thus try to obtain an indepth understanding of them’. Norwid’s observations about reading provide a significant starting point for many studies and interpretations of his other works. However, hardly any of them are dedicated to non-specialist audiences. The most recent publication of this type, Norwid – interpretacje [Norwid: Interpretations], is a collective work of a few authors. It has been prepared as part of the ‘Jubilees’ series to celebrate the Year of Cyprian Norwid.
Key words: Cyprian Norwid, reading, interpretation, understanding
Buś, Marek. „Cypriana Norwida «o czytania-sztuce pojęcie»”. Rocznik Komisji Historycznoliterackiej 17 (1980).
Chlebowska, Edyta. Cyprian Norwid. Katalog prac plastycznych. T. 1–5. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL: Lublin 2014–2020.
Chlebowska, Edyta. Norwid – sztukmistrz nieznany. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013.
Chlebowski, Piotr, red., Poeta i sztukmistrz. O twórczości poetyckiej i artystycznej Norwida. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2007.
Gomulicki, Juliusz W. „Norwid o książce i czytaniu”. W: Cyprian Norwid. Myśli o książce i czytaniu, wybór i wstęp Juliusz W. Gomulicki. Łódź: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. L. Waryńskiego, 1983.
Korpysz, Tomasz. „«Czytać jest to dogłębiać wyrażenia…»”. W: Norwid – interpretacje, red. Tomasz Korpysz. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2021.
Korpysz, Tomasz, red., Norwid – interpretacje. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2021.
Kozłowska, Anna. „Co to znaczy «czytać Norwida»?”. W: Jak czytać Norwida? Postawy badawcze, metody, weryfikacje, red. Bernadetta Kuczera-Chachulska, Joanna Trzcionka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW, 2008.
Kuczera-Chachulska, Bernadetta. „Stulecie Norwida. Dwudziestowieczne echo myśli i języka poety (wprowadzenie)”. Colloquia Litteraria 26, 1 (2019).
Melbechowska-Luty, Aleksandra. Sztukmistrz. Twórczość artystyczna i myśl o sztuce Cypriana Norwida. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo „Neriton”, 2001.
Norwid, Cyprian. Pisma wszystkie. Zebrał, tekst ustalił, wstępem i uwagami krytycznymi opatrzył Juliusz W. Gomulicki. T. 1–11. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1971–1976.
Norwid, Cyprian. Wierny-portret. Oprac. Edyta Chlebowska. Kielce: Pewne Wydawnictwo, 2021.
Puzynina, Jadwiga. „Słowo Norwida pod lupą filologa (na materiale «Rzeczy o wolności słowa»)”. W: Koncepcje słowa, red. Eugeniusz Czaplejewicz, Edward Kasperski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW, 1991.
Puzynina, Jadwiga, Tomasz Korpysz. Internetowy słownik języka Cypriana Norwida.
Skibiński, Ziemowit. Motyw księgi w poezji Cypriana Norwida. Łowicz: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna, 1983.
Trybuś, Krzysztof. Stary poeta. Studia o Norwidzie. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000.
This article studies Do Tytusa M. [To Tytus M.], a poem written by Cyprian Norwid in Paris in February 1857 and first published in 1860 by a popular Warsaw columnist as an excerpt from the album of the painter Tytus Maleszewski. The poem is addressed to the latter and discusses the portrait of Norwid that was to be painted by Tytus M. in pastel to preserve the image of the poet who had lived in exile for years. Norwid’s poem constitutes a peculiar ekphrasis of the work that is yet to be composed, outlining differences in both artists’ approaches to the art of portrait. Serving also as the poet’s peculiar self-portrait, it subtly intertwines the biographical references with mythological allusions (to the scene of Orpheus and Eurydice leaving the land of death), everyday life with artistic ideas, a solemn tone with a familiar and playful note. This poetic study of the portrait is confronted with the studies of faces included in Czarne kwiaty [Black Flowers] commemorating Norwid’s last encounters with Stefan Witwicki, Juliusz Słowacki, etc. Another context is provided by the images of contemporary figures, representatives of the world of politics and culture, published in the press at that time.
Key words: ekphrasis, portrait, Do Tytusa M., Cyprian Norwid, Orpheus and Eurydice
Belting, Hans. Faces. Historia twarzy. Tłum. Tadeusz Zaorski. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Słowo/obraz terytoria, 2015.
Biernacki Andrzej, oprac., Sztambuch romantyczny. Przedm. Maria Dernałowicz. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1994.
Chlebowska, Edyta. „Ipse ipsum”. O autoportretach Cypriana Norwida. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2004.
Courtine, Jean-Jacques, Claudine Haroche. Historia twarzy. Wyrażanie i ukrywanie emocji od XVI do początku XIX wieku. Tłum. Tomasz Swoboda. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Słowo/obraz terytoria, 2007.
Dąbrowicz, Elżbieta. „Profile Norwida”. W: Poeta i sztukmistrz. O twórczości poetyckiej i artystycznej Norwida, red. Piotr Chlebowski. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2007.
Dąbrowicz, Elżbieta. „Wiersze z datą. Do Tytusa M. Cypriana Norwida”. Studia Norwidiana 20–21 (2002–2003).
Derwojed, Janusz. „Album Tytusa Maleszewskiego”. Biuletyn Historii Sztuki 19, 1 (1957).
Freedberg, David. Potęga wizerunków. Studia z historii i teorii oddziaływania. Tłum. Ewa Klekot. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UJ, 2005.
Goffman, Erving. Rytuał interakcyjny. Tłum. Alina Szulżycka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2006.
Grodecka, Aneta. „Ekfrazy Norwida”. W: Norwid – artysta. W 125. rocznicę śmierci poety, red. Krzysztof Trybuś, Wiesław Ratajczak, Zofia Dambek. Poznań: Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk, 2008.
Halkiewicz-Sojak, Grażyna. „Orfeusz Mickiewicza, Krasińskiego i Norwida na tle tradycji motywu”. W: Inspiracje Grecji antycznej w dramacie doby romantyzmu. Rekonesans, red. Maria Kalinowska. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2002.
Kordacka, Jolanta. „Norwidowski Orfeusz – odwołania do antycznego mitu w wierszach poety”. Prace Polonistyczne 49 (1994).
Pniewski, Dariusz. „Norwidowski sąd o sztuce na przykładzie aluzji do ostatnich obrazów religijnych Paula Delaroche’a”. Studia Norwidiana 22–23 (2004–2005).
Siwiec, Magdalena. Orfeusz romantyków. Mit o Orfeuszu w twórczości Juliusza Słowackiego i Gérarda de Nerval w kontekście epoki. Kraków: Universitas, 2002.
Stoichita, Victor I. Krótka historia cienia. Tłum. Piotr Nowakowski. Kraków: Universitas, 2001.
This article discusses one of the most polyphonic works by Cyprian Norwid – the dramatic diptych Tyrtej – Za kulisami [Tyrtej – Behind the Scenes], proposing a multifaceted interpretation. Given that the compositional chaos and gaps in the manuscript gave rise to the textual and editorial disputes that proved critical for the interpretation of the work, this paper first focuses on the manuscripts of both plays and their most recognised editions (by Zenon Przesmycki, Juliusz W. Gomulicki, and by Julian Maślanka). Second, it examines the attitude of Norwid’s diptych to dramatic forms and traditions, including ancient tragedy, different variants of comedy, Romantic tragedy, music drama, nativity play, and cultural performance. The analysis of the ideological layer sheds some light on several issues such as: the condition and the mission of the poet (the confrontation of Tyrtaeus [Tyrtaios, Tyrtej] with the contemporary poet Omegitt as Norwid’s interpretation of the concept of poetry), questions about the nature and development trends of human civilisation (the confrontation of the formation systems of ancient Athens, Sparta, and the 19th-century population as an expression of the author’s historiosophical pessimism), and the anthropological reflection inspired by Diogenes of Sinope, referred to in Za kulisami, and his ‘search for an honest man’ (as Norwid’s critique of the human condition in the 19th century and the expression of his anthropological ideal).
Key words: Cyprian Norwid, drama, cultural performance, concepts of poetry, 19th-century civilisation and anthropology
Halkiewicz-Sojak, Grażyna. „«Chrześcijańska drama» na styku kultur. O dyptyku Norwida «Tyrtej», «Za kulisami»”. W: Grażyna Halkiewicz-Sojak. Nawiązane ogniwo. Studia o poezji Cypriana Norwida i jej kontekstach. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2010.
Junkiert, Maciej. Grecja i jej historia w twórczości Cypriana Norwida. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2012.
Kasimow, Rustam. „Poetyka karnawału i obrzędów przejścia”. Tłum. Barbara Chmielewska. W: Karnawał. Studia historyczno-antropologiczne, red. Wojciech Dudzik. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW, 2011.
Lijewska, Elżbieta. „Liryka w dramacie Norwida. O muzyczności Tyrteja i Za kulisami”. Studia Norwidiana 20–21 (2002–2003).
MacAloon, John J., red., Rytuał, dramat, święto, spektakl. Wstęp do teorii widowiska kulturowego. Tłum. Katarzyna Przyłuska-Urbanowicz. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW, 2009.
Makowiecki, Tadeusz, Irena Sławińska. „Za kulisami «Tyrteja»”. W: Konrad Górski, Tadeusz Makowiecki, Irena Sławińska. O Norwidzie pięć studiów. Toruń: Księgarnia Naukowa T. Szczęsny i S-ka, 1949.
Sawicki, Stefan. „Tyrteusz Wielki Norwida”. W: Stefan Sawicki. Norwida walka z formą. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1986.
Świontek, Sławomir. Norwidowski teatr świata. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Łódzkie, 1985.
Toruń, Włodzimierz. „Historyczne konteksty dyptyku dramatycznego «Tyrtej – Za kulisami»”. W: Dramaty Cypriana Norwida. Teksty – konteksty – interteksty, red. Wiesław Rzońca, Karol Samsel. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Polonistyki, 2019.
Trojanowiczowa, Zofia. „Tyrteizm”. W: Słownik literatury XIX wieku, red. Józef Bachórz, Alina Kowalczykowa. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Ossolineum, 1991.
Trybuś, Krzysztof. „Teatr świata w starych i nowych dekoracjach”. W: Krzysztof Trybuś. Stary poeta. Studia o Norwidzie. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2000.
Zach-Błońska, Joanna. Monolog różnogłosy. O dramatach współczesnych Cypriana Norwida. Kraków: Universitas, 1993.
Zehnder, Christian. „Tyrteizm jako eksperyment Norwida”. W: Dramaty Cypriana Norwida. Teksty – konteksty – interteksty, red. Wiesław Rzońca, Karol Samsel. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wydziału Polonistyki, 2019.
Ziołowicz, Agnieszka. „Norwidowski dramat wieloperspektywiczny”. W: Agnieszka Ziołowicz. Dramat i romantyczne „Ja”. Studium podmiotowości w dramaturgii polskiej doby romantyzmu. Kraków: Universitas, 2002.
This article offers an interpretation of Cyprian Norwid’s self-portrait Ipse ipsum created in 1857 in Paris. Given its intriguing approach, references to the poet’s biography and literary works, as well as rich symbolism, the drawing occupies a particular place in the collection of over 20 cartoon self-portraits by the author of Promethidion. Its presentation is accompanied by an outline of its turbulent history and a brief literature overview. The circumstances in which it was drawn prove crucial for the understanding of Norwid’s approach to his own image. Selfcreation is adopted as the pivotal perspective in the light of which the self-portrait is interpreted as an image presenting the author of Vade-mecum as an artist, an emigrant, and a pilgrim, with the historical, biographical, and literary contexts playing important roles in all three representations. The poems Czy podam się o amnestię [Shall I Request Amnesty] and Pielgrzym [The Pilgrim] shed some extra light on the drawing of Norwid standing on the map of the world and surrounded by barking dogs, allowing us to search for deeper meanings in the poet’s spiritual profile.
Key words: Cyprian Norwid, self-portrait, portrait, Polish drawing, collecting
Chlebowska, Edyta. Cyprian Norwid. Katalog prac plastycznych. T. 3. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2019.
Chlebowska, Edyta. „Ipse ipsum”. O autoportretach Cypriana Norwida. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2004.
Dworak, Anna M. „Rosja: Azja czy Europa? Rozważania o świadomości inteligencji polskiej XIX wieku jako kontekście ideowym twórczości Cypriana Norwida”. Studia Norwidiana 37 (2017).
Kowalczykowa, Alina. Świadectwo autoportretu. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, 2008.
[Kraszewski, Józef I.]. Catalogue d’une collection iconographique Polonaise, composée des dessins originaux, gravures, xylographies, lithographies, illustrant l’histoire, la géographie, antiquités, costumes, moeurs, armes, meubles etc. de l’ancienne Pologne, de ses provinces et pays limitrophes. Dresde: L. Wolf, 1865.
Kuczera-Chachulska, Bernadetta, „Czas siły – zupełnej”. O kategorii wysiłku w poezji Norwida. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 1998.
Marchewka, Piotr. Z romantycznych rodowodów biblijnych. Apostoł Paweł w twórczości Cypriana Norwida. Poznań: Wydawnictwo UAM, 2009.
Melbechowska-Luty, Aleksandra. Sztukmistrz. Twórczość artystyczna i myśl o sztuce Cypriana Norwida. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo „Neriton”, 2001.
Seruga, Józef. „Grafika Cypriana Norwida w zbiorach biblioteczno-muzealnych hr. Tarnowskich w Suchej”. Czas 127 (1933).
Suchodolska, Maria, Irena Jakimowicz, Jadwiga Jaworska. Rysunki z kolekcji J.I. Kraszewskiego w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe, 1961.
Turczyn, Małgorzata. „Śladami «Pielgrzyma» Cypriana Norwida”. W: Czytając Norwida. Materiały z konferencji poświęconej interpretacji utworów Cypriana Norwida zorganizowanej przez Katedrę Filologii Polskiej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Słupsku, red. Sławomir Rzepczyński. Słupsk: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Słupsku, 1995.
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Wołoszyn, Beata. Norwid ocala. Heroizm, śmierć i zmartwychwstanie w twórczości postromantyka. Kraków: Collegium Columbinum, 2008.