Technofears. Fear of technology and its cultural faces

Kultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka
nr 2(101)/2018
Technofears. Fear of technology and its cultural faces

Table of contents


Renata Tańczuk, Rafał Nahirny, Marta Brzezińska-Pająk
Introduction. Technologies, fears and social imaginaries

Dariusz Brzostek
The fear of the machine and the machine’s fear. Artificial intelligence and technofears in the works of Stanisław Lem

Renata Tańczuk
On the autonomy of “I” and the nature. A few comments on old fears in a new technological scenery

Leszek Koczanowicz
Intimacy fear – the art of telling the truth in the internet era

Marta Brzezińska-Pająk, Rafał Nahirny
The birth of ban-opticon and fears of biometrical passport

Aleksandra Goral
Noise for the digital fears. Trace and suspiciousness in the world of data

Dawid Junke
Who is holding the black mirror in front of us? Fear of technology in Black Mirror versus new methods of series production and distribution

Łukasz Afeltowicz, Michał Wróblewski
Epidemics, modernity and the zombie apocalypse. The theme of infectious diseases in popular culture as a way to express social fears

Małgorzata Dancewicz
Performative trans/fusion. The slaying of a symbolic vampire



Magdalena Szpunar
Culture of (more than) technological fear

Barbara Cyrek
I’m not a robot – cultural imperative of making humanity credible

Mikołaj Smykowski
Chess – an (in-) humane game. people, machines and anticipating future

Tomasz Safjanowski
Cyberpunk after post-cyberpunk. Dystopian vision of techno-future in altered carbon series

Bartosz Małczyński
Tomorrow is the fear. Fear of technology in rock and metal groups’ works

Marcin Wilkowski
Watermark as a comment on heritage



Ewa Wójtowicz
Media-sphere of memory

Kamil Lipiński
Migrations of illusion in an aesthetical landscape



Joanna Konieczna-Sałamatin, Tomasz Stryjek
Internally inconsistent. Ukrainians and Poles on World War II and communist governments in the history of their countries

Technofears. Fear of technology and its cultural faces

The article is devoted to technofears – complex and diverse fears of technology, which undergo conceptualization, are analysed in terms of problems they may cause and are visualized in the works of Stanisław Lem. Three basic issues have been analysed. Firstly, Lem’s anxiety related to predictions of civilizational development, present in his studies and late opinion journalism. Secondly, fear of progress that is ever-present in his works (particularly of: a machine, technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence), haunting an individual and humanity in nearer or further future. Thirdly, fears felt by machines depicted in his works as personified literary characters (robots, artificial intelligence). The concluding part includes a question about extreme, identity-related dimension of fear, which, also in reference to artificial intelligence, turns out to be, at least in the works of Solaris’ author, a fundamental existential experience required for the creation of a subject – person.

Key words: Stanisław Lem, technofears, futurology, predictions, technology, science fiction



Bauman, Zygmunt. Płynny lęk. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2008.

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Fear is related to our cultural measures and imaginations. We experience it while the reserves of social imaginarium don’t offer us any tools to explain what is already happening and what might happen to us. I am analyzing Orchestrer la Perte by Simone Laroche and David Szanto and Lost Drones by The Fortunists, artistic works, which juxtapose technology with the human subject and nature. The authors refer to rather traditional concepts of the subject and nature, which still tend to influence our attitudes. The challenge brought to them by new technologies implies a loss of significant categories organizing the world, which guarantee a sense of safety, and a threat to essential values.

Key words: modern subject, nature, techno-nature, social imaginarium



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Harari, Yuval N. Od zwierząt do bogów. Krótka historia ludzkości. Tłum. Justyn Hunia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2014.

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Raffles, Hugh. Insectopedia. New York: Vintage, 2010.

Solarewicz, Krzysztof. „Nadnatura. Wizje człowieka przyszłości we współczesnej debacie naukowej i popularnonaukowej”. Prace Kulturoznawcze 14, 2 (2012).

Tańczuk, Renata. „Drony piękne jak motyle, natrętne jak komary i pracowite jak mrówki. Uwagi o naturze i sprawstwie bionicznych owadów”. W: Czego pragną drony?, red. Rafał Nahirny, Aleksandra Kil, Magdalena Zamorska. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Katedra”, 2017.

Taylor, Charles. Etyka autentyczności. Tłum. Andrzej Pawelec. Kraków: Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy „Znak”, 1996.

Zybertowicz, Andrzej, Maciej Gurtowski, Katarzyna Tamborska, Mateusz Trawiński, Jan Waszewski. Samobójstwo Oświecenia. Jak neuronauka i nowe technologie pustoszą ludzki świat. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „Kasper”, 2015.

In his late works Michel Foucault names parrhesia, an ability to tell the truth about oneself and the world, as one of the most significant categories. Parrhesia is crucial for both the democratic policy, as well as for an inner spiritual life. Foucault analyses both aspects of parrhesia in the context of ancient philosophy and Christianity. But whichever the context, pharresia is a difficult spiritual task causing a threat for those who practise it. It seems that today traditional categories have been switched and democratised parrhesia becomes a standard or even coercion, while the world of intimacy and privacy – a thing that ought to be feared and avoided. Key issue of the text is a question what happens to parrhesia in the democratic world of technology. The article searches for the answer to how new technologies, the social media above all, change the nature of parrhesia within our private lives and in the political arena.

Key words: parrhesia, truth, Internet, democracy, bots



Asimov, Isaac. Nagie słońce. Tłum. Michał Wroczyński. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy „Rebis”, 2013.

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The article introduces the idea of ban-opticon by Didier Bigo. The French sociologist has defined various mechanisms of power whose purpose is to stop the bodies, which are on the move. A biometric passport is a key technology that enables to identify individuals crossing borders in a quick and credible way. Its introduction, dictated by security measures, causes a whole range of new concerns, anxieties and fears, which are described and analysed.

Key words: ban-opticon, mobility, migrations, fear, biometric passport, biometric boundaries



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Global capitalism of surveillance is mainly based on technologies that collect and process data: both digital, as well as one being a mixture of what is real and virtual, and which undergo clustering, commercialization, and instrumentalization. Operations done on extracted information are unsettling and cause concerns connected with leaving behind digital traces and the thought of being watched, but also with secret functioning and ways of using data. Above-mentioned fears are foundations for introduced and analysed strategies and techniques used by the participants of the media-ruled world in order to cover the trails and generate the digital noise.

Key words: surveillance, data, privacy, countertactics, noise



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All nineteen episodes of Black Mirror produced so far deal with the theme of social consequences of technological development. Dystopian vision of the future not only relates to the stories told in each episode, but also the way the series is distributed. Popularity of the series made the creators decide to move the production from traditional television to the Netflix platform. Ironically, the streaming giant is, within the framework of entertainment industry, a fulfilment of some disturbing features of new technologies, shown in the diegetic layer of Black Mirror.

Key words: Black Mirror, dystopia, fear, Netflix



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The article focuses on a theme of re-emerging infectious diseases (R-EIDs) in film productions and television series. Our aim was to show interaction between the epidemics, public reactions and contents of popular culture. The analysis depicts how popular culture tends to present fears of epidemics, as well as describes two other threads important to R-EIDs-related narrative: fear of possible collapse of modernity and fear of technological progress.

Key words: epidemics, infectious diseases, popular culture, modernity, technology, social fears



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The article presents a group of selected projects form the field of bio-art, performance, and new media art. The symbolism of blood has been included to show the relationship between biology, identity, and technology. An analysis carried out by the author has resulted in a dilemma, whether these experiments create a symbolic gesture of crossing the boundaries of what is thought of as humane and in-humane, or are they a manifestation of fears connected with subconscious longing for anthropocentrism. Main points of reference for creative activity presented in the article are bio-power, bio-resistance and identity.

Key words: performance, bio-art, new media, blood, bio-power, bio-resistance



Beuys, Joseph, Ulrich Rosch. What is Money? A Discussion Featuring Joseph Beuys. Forest Row: Clairview Books, 2012.

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Fear is an emotion imminently related to our human nature. It redefines almost the entire trajectory of ouralives, often turning it inside out. It is present at our birth, and accompanies us in our final hour. It is a universal experience, one of the most primal of emotions, which humans try to tame and defeat. Since the dawn of history, people have been scared of someone or something. At first, it was nature, animals or – generally speaking – the unknown. Slowly but successfully technology is taking over the role of the Alien, simultaneously linking this figure with all negative ideas.

Key words: culture of fear, technophobia, evil world syndrome, hyper-fear media, discourse on fear



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Cultural fear of technology, which people have always felt in one way or another, is in its nature similar to adjusting disorder. In contemporary world, it manifests itself as a universally applied imperative of making humanity credible. Out of the fear of alienated technology, which transforms and multiplies like a disease, a man has created automatized Turing tests. People spend hundreds of thousands hours a day to prove to technology (which they had created) that it deals with a human being. Digital culture has taken a form of the Turing’s imitation game, where a mere conclusion of one’s own identity doesn’t make one a winner.

Key words: CAPTCHA, imitation game, fear of technology, Turing test, attention economy



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The aim of the article is to review relationships of people and machines in the light of technological and cultural development of chess. I posit that a pre-modern desire to create an invincible machine has changed since a breakthrough game played between Garry Kasparov and Deeper Blue computer in 1997, and turned into an opposite desire: to play an defeat the machine. In contemporary chess community transversal connections between a man and a computer are crucial – not only for the future of the game, but also for the development of human cognitive structures and the emergence of processes taking place within the chess computer systems, which can be defined as quasi-humane.

Key words: chess, chess anthropology, post-humanism, technology, studies on technology, techno-science



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This text analyses Altered Carbon series treated as a new, up dated incarnation of the cyberpunk genre, initiated in the 1980s by authors such as: William Gibson, Rudy Rucker, Lewis Shiner, John Shirley and Bruce Sterling. Altered Carbon uses the main threads of classic cyberpunk novels, reactivating fears and concerns related to the future of the world dominated by advanced technologies. At the same time it questions a post-cyberpunk perspective, related to assimilation of technologies by the society and getting rid of all doubts connected with advanced technology creations present in everyday life. This enables to single out a new kind of cyberpunk, which can be defined as cyberpunk after post-cyberpunk. Grim vision of the world can be interpreted as a warning against thoughtless implementation and development of technologies without bearing in mind possible consequences of such practices.

Key words: cyberpunk, post-cyberpunk, dystopia, cyber-culture, Altered Carbon



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This sketch analyses the series of images used by rock and metal bands (King Crimson, Voivod, Pestilence) on their selected album covers. They depict a distinctive motif of a face wincing because of some extreme traumatic sensation. Sources of theses extreme emotions are various, but one of the most significant is a sudden awareness of threats deriving form the unstoppable development of technology. Selected lyrics focusing on ominous and dystopian themes are also reflected upon and analysed. Their content clearly confirms the presence of fears and obsessions embedded in rock and metal music.

Key words: rock music culture, metal music studies, audio-visuals, catastrophism, popular culture



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This article analyses social functions of a watermark placed in the content of digitalized artefacts of heritage. It presents the weaknesses of this way of protecting collections, prone to decoding and taking over, and still referring to the base of a digital copy (object – centeredness). It describes the pattern of comments on heritage, whose media is a watermark. Eventually, a watermark does no longer have to be a tool or a helping hand in the commercialization of collections, but it becomes an attempt to protect the canon, a confirmation of institution’s significance – as a depositary of artefacts, but also of the knowledge about them, and even a certain kind of ethical act.

Key words: heritage, digitalization, watermark, coding, software studies



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Zawojski, Piotr. Ruchome obrazy zatrzymane w pamięci. Reminiscencje teoretyczne i krytyczne [Moving images caught in the memory. Theoretical and critical reminiscences]. Katowice: Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Wydawniczych, 2017.

Key words: mediosfera, film studies, theory of image, audiovisuality, memory

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Key words: illusion, Frankfurt School, beauty, mass culture, Gertrud Koch

On research

This article includes an analysis of results of a research on collective memory, carried out by authors at the request of the National Centre of Culture (Ukraine, 2016) and within the project financed by the NCC (Poland, Ukraine, 2018). The analysis reveals the diversity of attitudes towards World War II and the communist/Soviet rule amongst the residents of four different regions in each of the countries, basing on the assessment of historical role and feelings of support or opposition towards the individuals and events of those times. The diversity of opinions in Ukraine turned out high. Integrated group of national heroes includes individuals from the times of revolution (1919–1921) and the dusk of Soviet rule, but not the World War II period. Whereas in Poland a larger integration of collective memory referring to the 20th century history is present, nevertheless big differences in the level of knowledge about individuals and historical events between the regions were observed.

Key words: collective memory, national identity, history of Ukraine 1917–1991, history of Poland 1939–1989, policy of remembrance



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