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This article discusses the experience of the 1989 political and economic transformation as described in contemporary Polish reportage, using the specifically defined concept of solastalgia. Typically referred to environmental issues, solastalgia can also be understood as pain associated with the feeling of losing the place one inhabits and the character it used to have which ensured the social and existential security in all possible forms. Its loss is a consequence of dramatic changes such as the climate catastrophe. The presence of solastalgia is traced in two books by Magdalena Okraska (Ziemia jałowa [‘Waste Land’] and Nie ma i nie będzie [‘There Isn’t and There Won’t Be’]), Piotr Witwicki’s Znikająca Polska [‘The Vanishing Poland’], Marek Szymaniak’s Zapaść. Reportaże z mniejszych miast [‘The Collapse. Reportages from Medium-Sized Cities’] and Filip Springer’s Miasto Archipelag [‘The Archipelago City’]. The analysis is determined by the structure of the eponymous concept. The experience of the present ‘collapse’ of larger constructs is presented and is juxtaposed with the contrasting memory of the past.
Key words: solastalgia, reportage, economic and political transformation, 1989
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Dunn, Elisabeth. Prywatyzując Polskę. O bobofrutach, wielkim biznesie i restrukturyzacji pracy. Tłum. Przemysław Sadura. Warszawa: Krytyka Polityczna, 2008.
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Okraska, Magdalena. Ziemia jałowa. Opowieść o Zagłębiu. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Trzecia Strona, 2018.
Springer, Filip. Miasto Archipelag. Polska mniejszych miast. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016.
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Williams, Raymond. The Country and the City. London: Vintage, 2016.
Witwicki, Piotr. Znikająca Polska. Warszawa: Zysk i S-ka, 2021.
This article seeks to present the contemporary condition of Elbląg, a city in northern Poland, from the vantage point of accumulated city biographies, urbanology, urban studies and knowledge of port cities. Rather than a chronologically organised historical account, the text is the first socio-cultural and problem-oriented study for a more thorough biography. Elbląg’s questioning of the administrative classifications of urban areas into large, medium-sized or small, emerges as the leitmotif of this analysis. Despite meeting the urban and geographical criteria of a large city, Elbląg has been classified by the Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy as a medium-sized city, while issues related to its development and image (the socio-economic stagnation and infrastructural neglect manifested through a variety of social, cultural and spatial factors) seem to place it in the category of small towns. In 1999, Elbląg lost its status as a capital city of the Elbląg Voivodeship (province). The preceding political and economic transformation posed a particular challenge for the city’s community. Given its return to the Baltic Sea and port traditions as a result of a new shipping canal providing access to the open sea, Elbląg requires a more complete definition of its identity and the role the maritime element should play in this process. The author highlights the need for Elbląg’s ‘re-harbouring’, albeit as a city with a medium-sized port at most, based on the construction of a waterway connecting the Gulf of Gdańsk with the Vistula Lagoon. Perceived as controversial, the investment attracts many comments, most of which tend to disregard the actual situation and the needs of Elbląg and the entire region.
Key words: re-harbouring, urbanology, Elbląg, city biography, canal across the Vistula Spit
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Jaremczuk, Edward J., red., Przekop Mierzei Wiślanej oraz Port Morski w Elblągu. Szkice historyczne i polityczne. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe FNCE, 2021.
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Springer, Filip. Miasto Archipelag. Polska mniejszych miast. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016.
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Serving as the starting point for this article, Didier Eribon’s Returning to Reims reveals the personal and psychological costs suffered by a person who abandons the folk class they were born into and makes it to the upper class. It is a significant issue for many intellectuals, particularly those who, like Eribon, are inclined towards left-wing views. Not only are they lodged in their non-places but they also lose the possibility to contact their loved ones among whom they feel like strangers. Acknowledging Eribon’s path, anyone who advances socially abandons their class and, like Eribon, sometimes feels repulsed by it. The author of the article tries to show that Eribon’s experience should not be universalised and that other identity strategies are possible to enable both the family ties and the advancement of the political and social project. Based on Returning to Reims and Retour sur la condition ouvrière by Stéphane Beaud and Michel Pialoux, the left-wing vision appears to be split into what constitutes a communal-conservative project and a liberal-individual project. If the left wing is to be effective, it needs to be fused together. The folk class is not as conservative as it seems, and it is not for conservative reasons that it tends to vote for right-wing parties.
Key words: Didier Eribon, class advancement, class identity, folk class, left wing
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The author describes the evolving perception of small towns (shtetls) in Galicia, a historical and geographical region in Central and Eastern Europe, in German-language prose and journalistic texts. He focuses on 19th-century and 20th-century reportages, travel diaries and letters whose authors (Heine, Metternich and Döblin) saw Galicia as Halb-Asien (half-Asia), an oriental region on the outskirts of the civilised world. It was only Joseph Roth who in his columns and essays began to present Galicia as a place of allure rather than that ridden with dirt, mud and lack of culture, as it was frequently described by authors who treated their peregrinations to the East as a civilising mission, orientalising eastern towns in a manner similar to Edward Said’s depictions of Asia. To paraphrase Larry Wolff, they joined the trend of ‘inventing Eastern Europe’ despite the fact that the latter had existed long before them. Born in this part of the world, Roth’s perspective was wider than that of the newcomers from the West. His Galicia was bittersweet and therefore real. Given its culture, population of mixed multiethnic backgrounds and beauty frequently imperceptible at first glance, it required to be comprehended and given a reliable account of rather than being civilised.
Key words: column, image, orientalism, town, shtetl
Babkou, Ihor. „Na wschód od centrum: konfiguracja nowoczesności na wschodnioeuropejskim pograniczu”. Tłum. Barbara Różycka. W: Polska wschodnia i orientalizm, red. Tomasz Zarycki. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2013.
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Magris, Claudio. Daleko, ale od czego? Joseph Roth i tradycja Żydów wschodnioeuropejskich. Tłum. Elżbieta Jogałła. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Austeria, 2015.
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Wolff, Larry. Idea Galicji. Historia i fantazja w kulturze politycznej Habsburgów. Tłum. Tomasz Bieroń. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2020.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has proven that migration to cyberspace became a necessity in many aspects of social life. While facilitating communication, the Internet has also (or perhaps above all) enforced significant changes in the public sphere which is the foundation of liberal democracy. How does this relate to where we live? Can we still speak of the centre–periphery division in today’s network society? This article seeks to analyse the transformation of the public sphere in the context of small-town identity. Until recently, the place of birth and address determined not only one’s financial status and career opportunities but also access to participation in the public sphere. However, with the advancement of the Internet and the rise of social media, the previously marginalised identities have gained recognition. The latter also applies to people living in the peripheries. While social media have demystified small-town life (Small-Town Syndrome, or ‘small-townedness’), providing it with a positive dimension and subjectivity, they have not (as of yet) managed to entirely negate the geographical space.
Key words: small-townedness, public sphere, hyperlocal media, identity
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Towns of the past and the future
The main thesis of the text is that the contemporary discussion of ‘planetary urbanisation’ skews towards megacities – large urban centres which are hardly representative of global urbanisation. Quantitative data shows that nearly half of the world’s urban dwellers live in medium-sized and small cities (towns). The author analyses the genealogy of Poland’s path to ‘planetary urbanisation,’ showing how during the long decade of the 1960s Poland experienced a transition from centripetal to centrifugal urbanisation. The result was the creation of industrial towns, a pillar of Poland’s urbanisation structure. Understanding this genealogy will help to better realise the potential of these – long in the making – ‘15-minute cities.’ The analysis reveals that Poland is not lagging behind the West, for it is going through similar processes (albeit of different nature) at the same time. The case of Polish towns shows that urbanisation cannot be analysed in isolation from the study of labour and its spatial organisation.
Keywords: towns, planetary urbanisation, industrialisation, Łódź
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This article offers a reconstruction of Wrocław’s Kleczków, a housing estate encompassed by Korzeniowskiego, Zegadłowicza, Trzebnicka and Kleczkowska Streets and an area largely mythologised in the early 1960s. The architectural tissue of the quarter, its urbanised structure characteristic of the previous social activities and material artefacts were not destroyed during the Second World War. This contributed to the development of adaptive behaviour strategies among newcomers settling in these lands and the creation of the time-space typical of a small town rather than Wrocław’s downtown. The autoethnographic reconstruction is documented with photographs from that period. Selected behaviour types emerging in the local community marked by a strong social and cultural identity are discussed. The contemporary culture of Kleczków emerges based on both a collection of examples of urbanised conduct and a somewhat archaic (face-to-face) private-public discourse, serving as a testimony to the coexistence of authorial acts of communication and content created through individual actions occurring in the community’s visual field and preserved in one form or another (as gossip, anecdotes and photographs) in the collective memory.
Key words: Kleczków, autoethnography, lifestyles, small-townedness, local community
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The aim of this article is to discuss the role of towns in Olga Tokarczuk’s works. A comparative analysis identifies their primary functions in the Polish Nobel Prize winner’s prose as geographical, autobiographical, narrative, locutionary, memorative, metaphorical and performative. The first relates to topography and the second allows the writer to tap into the voices of the narrators. The narrative function introduces town as a character that has its own story to tell. The locutionary aspect focuses on the identity and domestication of the area – in this case the Kłodzko Land, a borderland known as the Recovered Territories which have a particular status in collective memory as a place of complex history and only partially tamed. In its metaphorical function, town serves as a carrier for the metaphor (like in the short story Bardo). The metaphorical dimension can also result in the performative function of the text where the latter provides the place with a history. The empowerment of town leads to the rehabilitation of this space both in the external (addressee) and internal (resident) perception. Tokarczuk concentrates on borderland places, the in-between land, making for new interpretations of the area and a multidimensional reading. Using Tokarczuk’s new optics, residents of the local towns can see the surrounding landscape differently, recognising it for its cultural richness and potential, as well as the dangers of being confined to a small space such as apathy, emptiness and hopelessness. The article introduces new fields for an in-depth interpretation of towns.
Key words: town, space, memory, Punctum, Spectator, rehabilitation
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This article discusses the experience of small-townedness/localism through the transfer of theatre activities based on the example of theatre institutions in Słupsk, a small city in northern Poland. Localism, recognised as a theme of theatre performances and a leading trend in the development of close relations with the audience, makes theatre institutions eager to use local narratives referring to the place’s history and the cultural identity of its residents. While eliminating the centre–periphery differences regarding participation in cultural events, localism also allows for a better understanding of the distinctiveness and uniqueness of small and medium-sized cities. Emerging as an artistic way of building community narratives, revising stereotypes and restoring the memory of a place and its past, it makes us consider the current problems of its community entirely anew or from a different angle. The context for the unfolding discussion has been provided by multi-disciplinary research (literary studies, theatre studies, history and anthropology of culture) on complex phenomena and processes of contemporary culture in the era of postmodernity. The common denominator is the recognition and appreciation of activities by local theatre institutions that not only ‘practice’ localism on a daily basis but also use it to tell otherwise ‘invisible’ stories and restore the memory of the past. Their approach to localism emerges as a hallmark of their activities.
Key words: small-townedness, local, peripheral, cultural identity, theatre activities
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This text addresses the concept of allotment gardens as a small-town space incorporated by the growing city and their simultaneously central and peripheral status that results from this process. To what extent does an allotment garden still constitute a separate space? Given its new users, Millennials and Generation Z, how much have the allotment garden rituals changed and become more global and metropolitan? The author analyses the corresponding practices, lifestyles and leisure activities and explains the reasons for the popularity of allotment gardens in the population born in the late 1990s, discussing the links between allotment gardens and the revolt against capitalism, the desire to live a greener life and the impact of social media on our lifestyles. A new model of leisure no longer associated with large-scale tours but with small trips and moderation is emerging in the 21st century. Online trends related to the aestheticisation of everyday life are explored, and the notion of ‘ordinary’ is considered with regards to the behaviour of the middle class. In her closing remarks, the author asks whether the value of allotment gardens is still dictated by economics, or is the recent rise in prices primarily enforced by their growing cultural significance.
Key words: allotment garden, participation, small-townedness, social media, Generation Z
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