Utopian cities

Kultura Współczesna. Teoria, Interpretacje, Praktyka
nr 3(106)/2019
Utopian cities
Table of contents

Utopian cities


Referring to Reinhart Koselleck and his arguments, this article discusses the changing nature of utopias in terms of their categories and meanings, while using dialectics to explain their phenomenon and historical attempts to implement them, as well as the rise-and-fall process of utopias and dystopias. Following in the footsteps of Tim Ingold, the author asks whether ‘dwelling perspective’ (in contrast to ‘building perspective’) and radical rejection of the Western hylomorphic model may be useful to understand two contemporary, and yet contradictory urban trends: self-organising (informal) cities and spectacle cities. Can the former be recognised as utopias in the context of the latter losing their urban values (dystopia)?

Key words: utopia/dystopia, Tim Ingold, informal cities, spectacle cities, urban space



Bey, Hakim. Tymczasowa Strefa Autonomiczna i inne eseje. Tłum. Iwona Bojadżijewa, Jan Karłowski. Kraków: Korporacja Ha!art, 2009.

Bloch, Ernst. „Rzeczywistość antycypowana, czyli jak przebiega i co osiąga myślenie utopijne”. Tłum. Anna Czajka. Studia Filozoficzne 7–8 (1982).

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Davis, Mike. Planeta slumsów. Tłum. Katarzyna Bielińska. Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Książka i Prasa, 2009.

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McGuirk, Justin. Radykalne miasta. Przez Amerykę Łacińską w poszukiwaniu nowej architektury. Tłum. Marcin Wawrzyńczak. Warszawa: Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, 2014.

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The processes of communing, or social, grassroots initiatives aimed to manage selected resources, which may currently be observed in many communities, represent characteristics typical of real utopias – it is a vision of the future that begins to partly come true through the effort of the people involved. The commons, emerging in many places around the world, are for the time being a marginal phenomenon and in many cases still an experiment. However, in terms of a global system this stage in the adaptive cycle (disintegration, reorganisation) is a time of experimenting and searching for new solutions, not only ideological but primarily the practical ones, which will allow people to function in new conditions. Being the centres of human civilisation and development, cities adapt the classic concept of the commons to their current situation, as recently represented by the idea of Urban Commons.

Key words: urban commons, real utopias, processes of urban development, sustainable development



Bollier, David. „Dobro wspólne jako stary/nowy paradygmat rządzenia się, gospodarki i polityki”. 4 grudnia 2012. Tłum. Petros of freelab.org.pl. https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/DOBRO_WSPÓLNE_JAKO_NOWY_PARADYGMAT.

Bollier, David, Silke Helfrich, red., Patterns of Commoning. Amherst: Commons Strategy Group and Off the Common Press, 2015.

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Maffesoli, Michel. Czas plemion. Schyłek indywidualizmu w społeczeństwach ponowoczesnych. Tłum. Marta Bucholc. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2008.

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Ostrom, Elinor. Dysponowanie wspólnymi zasobami. Tłum. Zofia Wiankowska-Ładyka. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2013.

Popkiewicz, Marcin. Ziemia na rozdrożu. Warszawa: Sonia Draga, 2012.

Sennett, Richard. Razem. Rytuały, zalety i zasady współpracy. Tłum. Jan Dzierzgowski. Warszawa: Muza, 2013.

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Wright, Erik O. Envisioning Real Utopias. London: Verso, 2010.


This article focuses on new postmodern cities built in accordance with the principles of New Urbanism, the faithful adherence to which makes them nothing short of utopian cities. Based on the examples of Seaside in Florida, Poundbury in England, Haverleij in the Netherlands and Siewierz Jeziorna in Poland, the author asks questions about their possible links to postmodernism. She also explores to what extent these urban creations meet the needs expected of residential districts in the second decade of the 21st century. Does historical staffage have an impact on functionality?

Key words: postmodernism, New Urbanism, utopian cities, new districts



Alexander, Christopher. Język wzorców. Tłum. Aleksandra Kaczanowska, Karolina Maliszewska, Małgorzata Trzebiatowska, Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, 2008.

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Farr, Douglas. Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Jacobs, Jane. The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Random: New York House, 1961.

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Marter, Joan M. The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art. T. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.

Mazurek, Marcin. „Miasta (nie)doskonałe. Utopia i dystopia w wybranych reprezentacjach nowoczesnej przestrzeni miejskiej”. Er(r)go. Teoria – Literatura – Kultura 36, 1 (2018).

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This paper is a result of several days of on-site empirical observations conducted in the Open City (Ciudad Abierta) in Chile. The author studied the present practices and operations of the local academic community that in 1970 led to the creation of this utopia-like space. Associated with the School of Architecture and Design at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño Potificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), the so-called ‘School of Valparaíso’, the community itself was established in the second half of the 20th century by the founders of Amereida: architect Alberto Cruz and Godofredo Iommi. The author suggests that these ‘urban’ dunes of the Pacific coast may serve as a point of exploration and reflection on utopia (by definition a cultural concept rather than a social or civilisational one), as well as on the essence of the university and new ways of practising and studying culture.

Key words: The Open City, Amereida, city, utopia, university



Ambrosini de, Sivia. „Viaje a Ciudad Abierta”. ARTINF 6, 31–32 (2019). http://amereida.cl/Viaje_a_Ciudad_Abierta.

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Baczko, Bronisław. Światła utopii. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2016.

Derrida, Jacques. Uniwersytet bezwarunkowy. Tłum. Kajetan M. Jaksender. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Eperons-Ostrogi, 2015.

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Nowak, Andrzej W. „Ontologia a aksjologia – co możemy zyskać, a co stracić, używając teorii aktora-sieci? Diagnoza wstępna”. Prace Kulturoznawcze XVIII (2015).

Pendleton-Jullian, Ann M. „Autopoetic architecture: the Open City, Ritoque, Chile”. W: Architecturally Speaking, red. Alan Read. London: Taylor and Francis Group, 2000.

Waters, Lindsay. Zmierzch wiedzy. Przemiany uniwersytetu a rynek publikacji naukowych. Tłum. Tomasz Bilczewski. Kraków: Homini, 2009.


This text outlines the theoretical concepts and projects by Oskar Hansen, one of the most famous Polish architects and urban planners of the 20th century. To reconstruct the ideas on which Hansen founded his utopian visions of the past (without limiting only to his most famous Linear Continuous System), it is necessary to explore his attachment to the ideal of revolution, his arguments related to politics, economics, social awareness and the relationship between power and opposition, as well as his studies of space organisation forms and related visual impact tools. Hansen believed that every person should shape the environment based on their own needs in terms of functionality and aesthetics. Residents should be able to co-decide on the shape of their houses, room layout as well as on the number and size of rooms. He believed that users knew best what they required and that topdown planning should never be imposed on them. This was one of the reasons for his contribution to Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda (PREVI), an experimental housing project in Lima, Peru.

Key words: city, architecture, urban planning, modernism, utopia



Eco, Umberto. Dzieło otwarte. Forma i nieokreśloność w poetykach współczesnych. Tłum. Jadwiga Gałuszka, Lesław Eustachewicz, Alina Kreisberg, Michał Oleksiuk. Warszawa: Czytelnik, 1973.

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McGuirk, Justin. Radykalne miasta. Tłum. Marcin Wawrzyńczak. Warszawa: Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, 2014.

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Smithson, Alison M. Team 10 Primer. London: Studio Vista, 1968.

Springer, Filip. „Nowe miasto i nowy świat. Oskar Hansen chce ratować ludzkość”. Wysokie Obcasy, 19 grudnia 2011. http://www.wysokieobcasy.pl/wysokie-obcasy/1,53662,1082531.

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Forms of urban utopias


This paper focuses on the image of Lagos presented in the novel Lagoon by Nnedi Okorafor, a writer and a representative of Afrofuturism in literature. The article explains the concept of Afrofuturism and offers a glimpse at Okorafor’s biography. The dynamics of Lagos and its development as a utopian city is discussed, along with the social fabric of this artificial colonial creation, the economic divides typical of this modern agglomeration, as well as its administrative and communication structure.

Key words: Lagos, Africa, Nnedi Okorafor, development, Afrofuturism



Barber, Benjamin. Gdyby burmistrzowie rządzili światem. Tłum. Hanna Jankowska, Katarzyna Makaruk. Warszawa: Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza, 2014.

Brzostek, Dariusz. „Black Science – Black Magic. Czy afrofuturyzm jest narracją poznawczą?”. Sztuka i Dokumentacja 14 (2016).

De Witt Douglas, Kilgore. „Beyond the history we know: Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, Nisi Shawl, and Jarla Tangh rethink science fiction tradition”. W: Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science Fiction’s Newest New-Wave Trajectory, red. Marleen S. Barr. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2008.

Dowdall, Lisa. „The utopian fantastic in Nnedi Okorafor’s Who Fears Death”. Paradoxa 25 (2015).

Esthie, Hugo. „Looking forward, looking back: animating magic, modernity and the African city-future in Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon”. A Journal of African Studies 43, 1 (2017).

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Ilesanmi, Adetokunbo O. „Urban sustainability in the context of Lagos mega-city”. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 3, 10 (2010).

Jue, Melody. „Intimate objectivity. On Nnedi Okorafor’s oceanic Afrofuturism”. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly 14, 1–2 (2017).

O’Connell, Hugh Ch. „«We are change»: The novum as event in Nnedi Okorafor’s Lagoon”. Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 3, 3 (2016).

Okorafor, Nnendi. Laguna. Tłum. Anna Studniarek. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Mag, 2015.

Salau, Taofiki. „Public transportation in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria: analysis of public transport users’ socioeconomic characteristics”. Urban Planning and Transport Research 3, 1 (2015).

Sheree, Thomas. Dark Matter. A Century of Speculatice Fiction from the African Diaspora. New York: Aspect, 2000.

Wilk, Paulina. Pojutrze. O miastach przyszłości. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2017.

Womack, Ytasha L. Afrofuturism. The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture. Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 2013.


This article presents an analysis of the space, or rather non-space of a virtual city described by William Gibson in his cyberpunk novel Neuromancer. It is proposed that the concept of the city in the book was based on the figure of a mirror and mirror image, a play of ‘the same’ with ‘the other one’: the physically, materially and thus spatially existing city is reflected in cyberspace (non-space), with the cybercity copying but at the same time distorting the image of the material city. These distortions are further discussed in the text. The mirror model of the cybercity and its urban planning is juxtaposed with other variants based on the figures of the jungle, underground and depth.

Key words: technological utopias, transhumanism, cyberpunk, cyborg



Barlow, John P. „Deklaracja Niepodległości Cyberprzestrzeni”. Tłum. Paweł Majewski. Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki 22, 1 (2009).

Bauman, Zygmunt. Globalizacja. I co z tego dla ludzi wynika. Tłum. Ewa Klekot. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2006.

Derrida, Jacques. Prepare Yourself to Experience the Future and Welcome the Monster. Points-Interviews 1974–1994, red. Elisabeth Weber. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1995.

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Gibson, William. Neuromancer. Tłum. Piotr W. Cholewa. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Zysk i S-ka, 1996.

Gray, Chris H. The Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age. New York: Routledge, 2001.

McCaffery, Larry, red., Storming the Reality Studio. A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Fiction. Durham: Duke University Press, 1991.

Michałowska, Marianna. „Miasto cybernetyczne. Teraźniejszość w kostiumie przyszłości”. W: Dylematy wielokulturowości, red. Wojciech Kalaga. Kraków: Universitas, 2007.

Morse, Margaret. „Co jedzą cyborgi. Logika oralna w społeczeństwie informacyjnym”. Magazyn Sztuki 17 (1998).

Nayar, Pramod K. Posthumanism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2017.

Pepperell, Robert. „Manifest posthumanistyczny”. Tłum. Paweł Majewski. Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki 22, 1 (2009).

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Canary Wharf, ‘a utopian city in the city’, is a new district which on the one hand has become London’s second (after the City) financial and banking centre, and on the other a place where art meets work. The ‘Sculpture in the Workplace’ programme, with its sculpture park offering the largest collection of public art in the United Kingdom and a gallery holding temporary exhibitions of contemporary art, was intended to create a new identity for a new local community. Can art, including Igor Mitoraj’s sculptures, inspire a reflection in a mass audience? Can it steer its thoughts towards the origins of the Judeo-Christian civilisation, towards beauty, values and a community that has never been a utopia?

Key words: city in the city, public space, art, historical memory, community



Bergne, Theresa, Ann Elliott, Sally Williams. Sculpture at Canary Wharf: A Decade of Exhibitions. London: Canary Wharf Group, 2011.

Galusek, Łukasz, Teresa Leśniak, red., Mitoraj – Kraków, Paryż, Rzym/Krakow, Paris, Rome. Kraków: Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, 2006.

Jencks, Charles. Architektura postmodernistyczna. Tłum. Barbara Gadomska. Warszawa: Arkady, 1987.

Klocek di Biasio, Beata. „Biografia artystyczna i świat sztuki Igora Mitoraja”. Konteksty 3–4 (2016).

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Klocek di Biasio, Beata. „Metafizyka ciała. «Wrota Anielskie» Igora Mitoraja w rzymskiej Bazylice Matki Boskiej Anielskiej i Świętych Męczenników”. W: Wierzyć i widzieć, red. Katarzyna Flader-Rzeszowska, Dagmara Jaszewska, Witold Kawecki, Beata Klocek di Biasio, Elżbieta Mazur, Norbert Mojżyn, Jan S. Wojciechowski, Małgorzata Wrześniak, Dominika Żukowska-Gardzińska. Sandomierz: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, 2013.

Klocek di Biasio, Beata. „Nowa mitologia Igora Mitoraja – między Grecją a chrześcijaństwem”. W: Miejsca teologiczne w kulturze wizualnej, red. Dominika Żukowska-Gardzińska, Dagmara Jaszewska, Katarzyna Flader-Rzeszowska, Witold Kawecki, Norbert Mojżyn, Małgorzata Wrześniak, Jan S. Wojciechowski. Warszawa: Instytut Dialogu Kultury i Religii UKSW, 2013.

Klocek di Biasio, Beata. „Posągi-instalacje Igora Mitoraja – między antykiem, renesansem i postmodernizmem”. Konteksty 3–4 (2014).

Kreyser, Krystyna. Śladami mitów starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu. Warszawa: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza, 1992.

Mitoraj, Igor, Costanzo Costantini. Blask kamienia/Luhnítēs. Tłum. Stanisław Kasprzysiak. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2003.

Pevsner, Nikolaus. Historia architektury europejskiej. Tłum. Anna Cichowicz, Jan Wydro. Warszawa: Arkady, 2013.

Radwan, Łukasz. „Meduza w bandażach”. Wprost 37 (2003).

Taborska, Halina. Współczesna sztuka publiczna. Dzieła i problemy. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Wiedza i Życie, 1996.

Tołwiński, Tadeusz. Urbanistyka. T. 1: Budowa miasta w przeszłości. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Odbudowy, 1948.

Uppenkamp, Bettina. Judith und Holofernes in der italienischen Malerei des Barock. Berlin: Reimer Verlag, 2004.

Zieliński, Miłosz. „Rzeźba i pomnik w miejskim wnętrzu architektoniczno-krajobrazowym”. Space & Form/Przestrzeń i Forma 21 (2014).


The urbanisation of Ramallah is perceived as a unique study of urban development in extremely unfavourable conditions of colonisation, fragmentation and internal divides, also those affecting entire Palestine. Ramallah provides a good basis to reflect on the issues related to space, state, autonomy and social existence, both in Palestine and abroad. The article indicates that most studies regarding the urbanisation of Ramallah (in particular, artistic speculations about its past, present and future) deal with the abstract rather than address the actual activities of people living there who dream of a normal life. Ramallah is described as an intriguing urbanisation case, an effect of the local conditions and historical context that have made it into the city we live in today.

Key words: Palestine, Ramallah, city under occupation, urbanisation, conflict



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Deleuze, Gilles, Félix Guattari. Anty-Edyp. Kapitalizm i schizofrenia. Tłum. Tomasz Kaszubski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2017.

Haddad, Toufic. Palestine Ltd. Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory. London: I.B. Tauris, Center for Palestine Studies, 2016.

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Khaldun, Bshara. „Architecture and urban planning in Palestine. Caught between domination, devastation and mismanagement”. Palestinian Journeys. https://www.paljourneys.org/en/view/10514.

Khaldun, Bshara, Suad Amiry Ramallah, red., Reclaiming Space: The 50 Village Project in Rural Palestine. Palestine: Riwaq, 2015.

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Tamari, Salim. „Bourgeois nostalgia and exilic narratives”. W: Homelands: Poetic Power and the Politics of Space, red. Ron Robin, Bo Stråth. Brussels: P.I.E.–Peter Lang, 2003.

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As a process of social revival and spatial renewal, revitalisation expresses disagreement with the current state of affairs, offering a programme of recovery. In the light of this it is necessary to ask the following questions: Is revitalisation possible? Can it be implemented as a programme of an ideal city, or is it simply utopian thinking? The author is trying to answer these questions by analysing revitalisation practices implemented in five cities in Poland: Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań and Gdańsk (Warsaw was not included in this study due to differences in its administration system).

Key words: revitalisation, city, utopia, ideal city, urban policy



Aktualizacja Miejskiego Programu Rewitalizacji Krakowa, przyjętego Uchwałą nr LIX/1288/16 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 7 grudnia 2016 r. Załącznik do Uchwały nr XCV/2485/18 Rady Miasta Krakowa z dnia 28 lutego 2018 r. https://rewitalizacja.krakow.pl/aktualnosci/

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The network of social links becomes a form of contestation in modern cities. In the light of that, this article takes a look at informal forms of living (nomadic lifestyle of Romani people, slums, illegal refugee camps), treating them as decentralised, autonomous spaces that function as a variation of a networked community. Self-built architecture ‘glued’ to conventional urban spaces results in ‘pirate utopias’, idiomatic forms of modern urbanisation. Through their ‘quiet transgression of the ordinary’ they challenge the binary division into public and private goods, the importance of order and control of public space, while breaking the frameworks of modernity.

Key words: self-built architecture, pirate utopias, architecture without architects, informal architecture, marginal housing estates



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Ilnicki, Rafał. „Pirackie utopie jako projekt poszukiwania autonomii jednostki/wspólnoty w globalizującym się świecie”. Kultura i Historia 21 (2012). https://www.kulturaihistoria.umcs.lublin.pl/archives/3268.

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Simone, Abdou M. „Pirate towns. Reworking social and symbolic infrastructures in Johannesburg and Douala”. Urban Studies 43, 2 (2006).

Sloterdijk, Peter. Kryształowy Pałac. Tłum. Borys Cymbrowski. Warszawa: Krytyka Polityczna, 2011.

Szacki, Jerzy. Spotkania z utopią. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sic!, 2000.



Kamińska, Magdalena. Memosfera. Wprowadzenie do cyberkulturoznawstwa [Memosphere. Introduction to cybercultural studies]. Poznań: Galeria Miejska Arsenał, 2017.
Kosińska, Marta. Problemy analizy kulturowej [Problems of cultural analysis]. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2017.
Skórzyńska, Agata. Praxis i miasto. Ćwiczenie z kulturowych badań angażujących [City and praxis. Exercise in cultural engagement research]. Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN, 2017.

Key words: Jerzy Kmita, Poznań cultural studies, a socio-regulatory concept of culture, humanities, Magdalena Kamińska, Marta Kosińska, Agata Skórzyńska


Archer, Margaret S. Kultura i sprawczość. Miejsce kultury w teorii społecznej [Culture and Agency. The Place of Culture in Social Theory]. Tłum. Paweł Tomanek. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2019.

Key words: Margaret S. Archer, critical realism, culture, agency, morphogenesis


Biskupski, Łukasz. Prosto z ulicy. Sztuki wizualne w dobie mediów społecznościowych i kultury uczestnictwa [Straight from the street. Visual arts in the times of social media and participatory culture]. Warszawa: Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Instytut Kultury Polskiej UW, 2017.

Key words: street art, mural, value, participatory culture, public space