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Homo medicus. Humanistic narratives in medical sciences

Marta A. Chojnacka, Tomasz S. Markiewka
Introduction. The humanities and medicine
Marta A. Chojnacka
Why do I feel bad? Jean-Paul Sartre and his existential feelings in the context of phenomenological psychopathology by Thomas Fuchs
Tomasz S. Markiewka
Medicine in capitalist democracy
Michał Rydlewski
Cultural dissolution in new media on the example of magical and metamorphic aspects of virtual identity
Michał Wróblewski
Do we all ‘go crazy’ in the same way? The Movement for Global Mental Health and its criticism
Mateusz Szubert
Narratives of illness and the dawn of modern medicine
Małgorzata Okupnik
In search of a remedy for ailing medicine. On narrative medicine and pathography
Beata Koper
Pathography: From case report to clinical story
Anna R. Burzyńska
Between medicine and literature. Case report as an epistemological genre
Maksymilian Wroniszewski
'Polish Laing’? On the reception of Antoni Kępiński in Gdańsk
Ewelina Twardoch-Raś
Neurofeedback loops. Electroencephalography as an artistic strategy in selected art & science projects
Monika Ładoń
'The patient examines the doctor'
Anna Gomóła
Maybe it’s better if someone stands guard?
Jacek Gądecki
Peripheral device: The functioning of culture on the peripheries
Kamil Lipiński
Lynch’s spaces of the art of images
Małgorzata Okupnik
The 2nd Polish Scientific Conference ‘Narrative Medicine. The Story of Illness and its Value in Clinical Practice, Research and Education’
Beata Gaj
International Conference ‘Latin in Medicine’
Homo medicus. Humanistic narratives in medical sciences
This article picks certain motifs from Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophy on the structure of human subjectivity and juxtaposes them with reflections based on phenomenological psychopathology by Thomas Fuchs. The three ‘dimensions’ of human subjectivity, as distinguished by Sartre and Fuchs, are compared: the feeling of self, the feeling of the other and the feeling of time. Consequently, the existential feelings described by Sartre are connected with mental disorders distinguished by Fuchs in an attempt to recognise a place for Sartre’s theory of existentialism in the most recent discussion on phenomenological psychopathology.
Key words: mental disorders, existential feelings, phenomenological psychopathology, phenomenology, existential philosophy
Fuchs, Thomas. „Fenomenologia i psychopatologia”. Tłum. Andrzej Kapusta. W: Główne problemy współczesnej fenomenologii, red. Jacek Migasiński, Marek Pokropski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa UW, 2017.
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Kapusta, Andrzej. Szaleństwo i metoda. Granice rozumienia w filozofii i psychiatrii. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2010.
Kowalska, Małgorzata. W poszukiwaniu straconej syntezy. Jean-Paul Sartre i paradygmaty filozoficznego myślenia. Warszawa: Spacja, 1997.
Levinas, Emmanuel. O uciekaniu. Tłum. Agata Czarnacka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, 2007.
Ratcliffe, Matthew. Feelings of Being. Phenomenology, Psychiatry and the Sense of Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Rojek Karolina, Małgorzata Opoczyńska-Morasiewicz. „Ciało, które znaczy i naznacza. Analiza fenomenologiczna doświadczania ciała przez osoby chorujące na anoreksję”. Psychoterapia 1 (2014).
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Van den Berg, Jan H. Inne istnienie. Zarys psychopatologii fenomenologicznej. Tłum. Irena Wyrzykowska. Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, 1978.
Varela, Francisco J., Evan T. Thompson, Eleanor Rosch. The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993.
The aim of this article is to show the effect that capitalist democracies have on modern medicine and its social perception. Capitalist democracy is a leading concept used here to draw attention to a number of phenomena and problems resulting from the fact that medical activity in a large part of our world is conducted in democratic and capitalist conditions. The author refers to the actor-network theory as a general theoretical background and points out that medicine is not an autonomous sphere in modern societies but a part of an intricate network of connections that determine its shape. The examples discussed in the text include anti-vaccine movements, commercialisation of medical services and the debate on health care in the United States.
Key words: medicine, capitalism, democracy, neoliberalism, actor-network theory
Afeltowicz, Łukasz. Modele, artefakty, kolektywy. Perspektywa badawcza w perspektywie współczesnych studiów nad nauką. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2012.
Bloom, Peter, Carl Rhodes. Świat według prezesów. Jak korporacje kontrolują nasze życie?. Tłum. Tomasz S. Markiewka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2019.
Davies, William. The Happiness Industry. How the Government and Big Business Sold Us Well-Being. London: Verso, 2015.
Estlund, David. Autorytet demokracji. Ujęcie filozoficzne. Tłum. Janusz Grygieńć, Tomasz S. Markiewka. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2019.
Friedman, Meyer, Gerald W. Friedland. Krótka historia medycyny. Tłum. Marcin Kowalczyk. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo RM, 2017.
Giddens, Anthony. Konsekwencje nowoczesności. Tłum. Ewa Klekot. Kraków: Wydawnictwo
UJ, 2008.
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Latour, Bruno. Splatając na nowo to, co społeczne. Wprowadzenie do teorii aktora-sieci. Tłum. Aleksandra Derra, Krzysztof Abriszewski. Kraków: Universitas, 2010.
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Markiewka, Tomasz S. Język neoliberalizmu. Filozofia, polityka i media. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, 2017.
Nowak, Andrzej W., Krzysztof Abriszewski, Michał Wróblewski. Czyje lęki? Czyja nauka? Struktury wiedzy wobec kontrowersji naukowo-społecznych. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, 2016.
Reich, Robert. The Common Good. New York: Knopf, 2018.
Sojak, Radosław. Paradoks antropologiczny. Socjologia wiedzy jako perspektywa ogólnej teorii społeczeństwa. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo UWr, 2004.
Thorwald, Jürgen. Dawna medycyna. Jej tajemnice i potęga. Egipt, Babilon, Indie, Chiny. Meksyk, Peru. Tłum. Albin Bandurski, Janina Sczaniecka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2017.
Wróblewski, Michał. Medykalizacja nadpobudliwości. Od globalnego standardu do peryferyjnych praktyk. Kraków: Universitas, 2018.
This article refers to a reflection of researchers from the Poznań school of cultural studies (Artur Dobosz, Anna Pałubicka) regarding the concept of schizophrenic dissolution (a term coined by Jan Mazurkiewicz) and its possible application in an analysis of postmodern culture. The author of the article argues that the said dissolution – understood as a struggle between the prelogical/magical/metamorphic thinking and the causal/logical, abstract one – takes place not only in a person’s psyche but is also reflected in the media space, for example through the creation and functioning of the so-called virtual identity.
Key words: Poznań school of cultural studies, schizophrenia, dissolution, virtual identity
Branicki, Wacław. Tożsamość a wirtualność. Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy „Nomos”, 2009.
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Michałowska-Kubś, Aleksandra. „Logo nieśmiertelności – o odwiecznych poszukiwaniach pomnika trwalszego niż ze spiżu”. W: Antropologia, media, komunikacja, red. Małgorzata Czapiga, Michał Rydlewski. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo UWr, 2019 [w druku].
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Osika, Grażyna. Tożsamość osobowa w epoce cyfrowych technologii komunikacyjnych. Kraków: Universitas, 2016.
Pałubicka, Anna. „Kultura ponowoczesna: dyssolucja czy adaptacja do nowej postaci kultury?”. W: Między nauką a sztuką. Wokół problemów współczesnej historiografii, red. Ewa Solska, Piotr Witek, Marcel Woźniak. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2017.
Rydlewski, Michał. „Wtórna oralność a myślenie magiczno-metamorficzne”. W: Zmiany, metamorfozy, rewolucje, red. Małgorzata Czapiga, Katarzyna Konarska. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo UWr, 2018.
Turkle, Sherry. Tożsamość w epoce internetu.
The aim of this article is to present the Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH) and its most important critiques. Opponents of the MGMH – primarily trans-cultural psychiatrists and medical anthropologists – point to a myriad of problems related to approaching mental health in supracultural and universalistic categories. Two dimensions of this criticism are discussed. Firstly, the MGMH is criticised as an expression of the neoliberalisation of medical discourse and practices, and a movement whose actions are focused on economic aspects of mental disorders (recognised as problems that generate costs for the economy) and depoliticising the actual sources of mental problems. Secondly, there is a dispute regarding the ontological status of mental disorders – embedded in its universalistic claims, the MGMH tends to lean towards biological explanations, while critics point to the lack of scientific evidence that would support such approach.
Key words: psychiatry, Movement for Global Mental Health (MGMH), neoliberalism, transcultural psychiatry, biologisation of psychiatry
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Hollifield, Michael, Teddy Warner, Nityamo Lian, Barry Krakow, Janis J. Jenkins, James Kesler, Jayne Stevenson, Joseph Westermeyer. „Measuring trauma and health status in refugees: a critical review”. The Journal of the American Medical Association 288 (2002).
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Mol, Annemarie. The Logic of Care. Health and the Problem of Patient Choice. London: Routledge, 2008.
Nowakowski, Michał. Medykalizacja i demedykalizacja. Zdrowie i choroba w czasach kapitalizmu zdezorganizowanego. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2015.
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Witeska-Młynarczyk, Anna. Dziecięce doświadczenie ADHD. Etnografia spornej jednostki diagnostycznej. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 2019.
Wróblewski, Michał. „Mobilne narzędzia diagnostyczne i globalizujące się zaburzenia psychiczne. O roli DSM w kształtowaniu kulturowego obrazu zdrowia psychicznego”. Prace Kulturoznawcze 22, 4 (2018).
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Cultural contexts of medicine
The aim of this article is to take a multifaceted approach to an illness as a biocultural phenomenon. Putting emphasis on the enormous potential that lies in narratives of one’s physical and mental condition may lead to breaking the monopoly of natural sciences in this respect. Subjective perceptions of deterioration, defects and human fragility are combined with practices leading to the textualisation of illness and building new meanings around it. In humanistic medicine, the suffering person is placed at the centre of therapeutic activities. The article offers also some reflection on the current biotechnological revolution – a great project to improve the present version of humans in an attempt to move our species to another level.
Key words: illness, narratives of illness, textualisation of illness, humanistic medicine, human 2.0
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Homo medicus as opposed to Homo patiens, the perspective of a physician will always be different from that of a patient. Modern medicine suffers from a major condition – ignoring the patient as a person. It may be remedied by narrative medicine which pays attention to humanistic aspects of a disease and to patient narratives of illness as a possibility to obtain invaluable information that is typically overlooked in a traditional medical history. Empathy and attentive listening play an important role here. Pathography, or patient accounts of their illnesses, may serve as a perfect complement to the practice and programmes of narrative medicine.
Key words: narrative medicine, pathographies, Rita Charon, Rana Awdish, Eve Ensler
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This article presents various uses of the term ‘pathography’: as a genre in medical communication, an autobiographical patient narrative or a narrative case report written by a professional. A discussion of classic pathographies (Sigmund Freud, Karl Jaspers) is followed by an analysis of patient pathographies, with particular emphasis on the history of the Polish ones, only to eventually come back to narratives created by professionals (Alexander Luria, Oliver Sacks). The aim of this article is to draw attention to a certain affinity between the writings in the field of medical sciences and humanities.
Key words: pathography, case report, clinical biography, illness, Polish literature
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The article discusses case report as a literary genre of complex status and purpose: specialist (medical), popular and literary, extending beyond time and space, constantly evolving (to such an extent that one could even speak of a biography of case report). The notion of case report is not synonymous with medical history, although both are closely related. The aim of this article is to juxtapose different theoretical approaches (both medical and literary) and to introduce the concept of case report to Polish literary studies.
Key words: case report, epicrisis, medical history, pathography, narrative disease
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This article explores the motif of mental illness/madness present in the Polish culture of the 1970s. The most important relevant research papers and concepts from that period are discussed, with particular emphasis on the works by Antoni Kępiński. His reflections are juxtaposed with the views represented by a circle of researchers gathered around Maria Janion’s series of Gdańsk seminars called Transgresje [Transgressions]. The fundamental question asked in the article is why Kępiński’s concepts were only briefly presented at the Gdańsk seminars and discussed in Janion’s texts. Trying to find the possible reasons, the author compares the assumptions of humanistic psychiatry (practised by Kępiński) with the socalled anti-psychiatry (represented in particular by Ronald D. Laing), and analyses the former’s views on homosexuality.
Key words: Antoni Kępiński, Maria Janion, mental illness, anti-psychiatry, homosexuality
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The aim of this article is to present art & science projects involving electroencephalography (EEG), and study them in terms of relationships between artistic narratives and medical procedures. Discussed are the works by pioneers of EEG applications in art (David Rosenboom, Alvin Lucier) and by contemporary artists (Lisa Park, Amy Karle), who are mainly interested in performances and relational installations. The author of the text analyses the projects with reference to the concept she introduces – biomediation (derived from Eugene Thacker’s theory of biomedia and a concept of mediation developed by Joanna Zylinska and Sarah Kember), pointing to the post- and transhumanist strategies used by the artists. She ponders on the extent to which the parameterisation and processing of bioelectric work of human brain may serve as a tool to expand the capacity of the human body-mind and thus create connections with ‘non-human’ constructs.
Key words: electroencephalography, neurofeedback, biomediation, affect, transhumanism
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This article discusses the patient-doctor relationship in terms of Rita Charon’s concept of narrative medicine. The discussion is based on an interpretation of Intoxicated by My Illness and Other Writings on Life and Death, a collection of essays written by American writer and literary critic Anatole Broyard after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Writing about the ordeals of life and death, the author devoted a lot of attention to his meetings with doctors. Particularly in the essay The Patient Examines the Doctor, he points to a certain power struggle that takes place between the person who is ill and their physician. While physicians are generally believed to be in a privileged position, Broyard argues that they are also subjected to a similar, often equally painful, diagnosis process. His reflections on an ideal doctor (embodied by Oliver Sacks) turn out not to be completely utopian. Confronted with Rita Charon’s theses on narrative medicine, they seem to gain scientific confirmation.
Key words: narrative medicine, patient, doctor, Rita Charon, Anatole Broyard
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Referring to Rafał Nahirny’s Granice kontroli [Limits of Control], this article discusses the implications of some problems raised in the book. An analysis of Jeremy Bentham’s social projects as well as his personal fears (as indicated in his writings) reveals a crack in the figure of this English philosopher. Bentham presented rational, systematic attempts that were intended to address social risks. To this end, he proposed to establish institutions similar to those operating in England already in the 16th century; however, at the same time he sabotaged their implementation. The emphasis that he put on his panopticon solutions to ensure control reveals the entanglement between the rational need for control and irrational anxiety to have someone that stands guard.
Key words: Jeremy Bentham, panopticon, history of culture – different aspects, Rafał Nahirny
Badiou, Alain. „Przedmowa”. W: Quentin Meillassoux. Po skończoności. Esej o koniecznej przygodności. Tłum. Piotr Herbich. Warszawa: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, 2014.
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Gierak-Onoszko, Joanna. 27 śmierci Toby’ego Obeda. Warszawa: Dowody na Istnienie, 2019.
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Nahirny, Rafał. Granice kontroli. Maszyneria władzy Jeremy Benthama. Warszawa: IBL PAN, 2018.
Zaremba Bielawski, Maciej. Higieniści. Z dziejów eugeniki. Tłum. Wojciech Chudoba. Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2011.
Jacyno, Małgorzata, Tomasz Kukułowicz, Mikołaj Lewicki, red., Kultura na peryferiach [Culture of the Periphery]. Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2018.
Key words: extended field of culture, periphery, relationality
Lynch, David. Small Stories. Exhibition of the Budapest Photo Festival. Műcsarnok (Budapeszt), 1 marca – 2 czerwca 2019.
Key words: arrangement, expressionism, surrealism, psychosis, David Lynch
Key words: narrative medicine, communication in medicine, Collegium Medicum UMK, scientific conference
Key words: Latin in medicine, Slavonic New Latin literature, Societas Studiis Slavo-Latinis provehendis, international conference, medicine at UKSW