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Cultures of moderation

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Cultures of moderation
This article discusses the contexts that contributed to the success of one of the theatre and television hits during Poland’s transformation – Jędrzej Kitowicz’s play Opis obyczajów, czyli… jak zwyczajnie wszędzie się mięsza złe do dobrego [Description of Customs, or How Evil Simply Everywhere Interferes with Good] directed by Mikołaj Grabowski, which premiered in 1990. While offering some insight into the eighteenth-century vicar’s prose reminiscing about the good old days under the rule of the Saxon kings and high-quality performances from the actors, the performance also reflected the contemporary reality in which viewers could see themselves. The lack of period costumes or props and the focus on parts of the play dealing with bigotry and feasting showed that the reality from (at that time) 250 years before was not that much different from the contemporary one. Old Polish culture was presented as a blissful time of people enjoying their lives and automatically identifying themselves with nobility and court life. The 1990 interpretation highlighted the gastronomic and consumerist aspects of the play, outlining why this sphere of life became to serve as the most accurate metaphor for the condition of the Polish state and society (visible in other sources from the transformation period such as numerous cultural texts). It seeks to expose that paradoxical time of scarcity despite the theoretical availability of food products in the face of the dynamically changing social structure and the need of the middle class to distinguish itself which can also be observed even today.
Key words: political transformation, old Polish culture, distinction, scarcity, feasting
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Roćko, Agata. „Sarmacki świat wartości materialnych. Zarys problematyki”. W: Codzienność i niecodzienność oświeconych, 1. Przyjemności, pasje i upodobania, red. Bożena Mazurkowa. Katowice: Wydawnictwo UŚ, 2013.
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This article seeks to answer the following question: Can the history of Polish society provide the basis for developing the contemporary ethics of self-restraints? The author refers to folk history research from recent years, discussing hunger, cold and the constant fear for biological survival as the fate of the majority of people living in the Polish lands until the mid-twentieth century. She wonders how crude necessity could contribute to the formation of an attitude of conscious choice in modern people who are aware of the burden of their complicated legacy. While the article does not provide clear-cut answers, it points out the paradoxical bond in the fate of people from different epochs and the fear of catastrophe as a repetitive experience. At the same time, she shows that nowadays at least we have a choice as to what ethical approach to adopt with respect to the latter.
Key words: hunger, scarcity, resources, folk history, social history of Poland
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This article explores the economic dimensions of Janusz Korczak’s pedagogy interpreted through the cultural history of interwar childhood. Using the perspective of new childhood studies, the author discusses Korczak’s activities as a search for the ability to recover and value the ethos of object management – present in the grassroots practices of Polish and Jewish working-class families and their children. The author calls Korczak one of the first educators who insisted on approaching childhood from the perspective of objects, work, possessions, and property. His intention was to thoroughly revise the contemporary philosophical approach to the child-adult relationship, highlighting not only the familial ties or difference of experience but also the economic abuse with the otherwise inconspicuous objects of everyday life as its actants. His point of view was unprecedented – not only did it enforce a revision of certain trends in pedagogy, but it also inspired a radical design of culture based on the then novel economic approach to life.
Key words: moderation, economics, criticism of modernity, Korczak’s pedagogy, new childhood studies
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Falska, Maria. Nasz Dom. Zrozumieć, porozumieć się, poznać. Wprow. i oprac. Marta Ciesielska, Barbara Puszkin. T. 1. Warszawa: Muzeum Historyczne Warszawy, 2007.
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Mencwel, Andrzej. „Żywe rozwiązanie”. W: Etos lewicy. Esej o narodzinach kulturalizmu polskiego. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2009.
Österhammel, Jürgen. Historia XIX wieku. Przeobrażenie świata. Tłum. Izabela Drozdowska-Broering, Jerzy Kałążny, Adam Peszke, Katarzyna Śliwińska. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2020.
Radkowska-Walkowicz, Magdalena, Maria Reimann, red., Dziecko i zdrowie. Wstęp do childhood studies. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa, 2018.
Sękowska, Zuzanna. „Kolonizatorzy na poligonie. Międzywojenne dzieje zakładu opiekuńczo-wychowawczego Nasz Dom i współpraca ze społeczeństwem w latach 1919–1939”. W: Nasz Dom 1919–2019. Pedagogiki społeczne, miasto i dzieciństwo w praktyce Naszego Domu, red. Marcin Gołąb, Zuzanna Sękowska. Warszawa: Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, 2019.
Titterton, Michael. „Managing threats to welfare: the search for a new paradigm of welfare”. Journal of Social Policy 21, 1 (2019).
This article explores discussions on the ecological crisis and the relationship between humans and the natural environment which continued in the 1970s in Poland. The author is interested in the role of ecological reflection in Polish socialist philosophy of that time. She analyses the discussions on ecology, scientific and technological revolution, economic growth, consumerism and projects of living in moderation conducted at the conference ‘Development of Polish culture in the perspective of the socialist system of values’ organised by the ‘Poland 2000’ Committee for Research and Prognosis at the Polish Academy of Sciences in the spring of 1975. The debates are placed in the context of global and regional processes unfolding at the time alongside the development of science, economic strategies, and the growing environmental awareness. The analysis takes the perspective informed by the current knowledge on the ecological and climate crisis along with its root causes. The concept of degrowth provides a theoretical framework. The author also ponders on the knowledge that could be derived from the experience of the Central European socialist countries and its relevance to the development of contemporary eco-socialist ideas.
Key words: socialism, ecological crisis, economic growth, scientific and technological revolution
Aleksandrowicz, Julian. Sumienie ekologiczne. Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1988 (1979).
Brand, Ulrich, Markus Wissen. The Imperial Mode of Living. Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism. Tłum. Zachary King. Verso 2021.
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Foster Bellamy, John. The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology. New York: Monthly Review, 2020.
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Hickel, Jason. Mniej znaczy lepiej. O tym, jak odejście od wzrostu gospodarczego ocali świat. Tłum. Jan P. Listwan. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2021.
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Meadows, Donella H., Dennis L. Meadows, Jørgen Randers, William W. Behrens III. Granice wzrostu. Tłum. Wiesława Rączkowska, Stanisław Rączkowski. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, 1973.
Richta, Radovan. Cywilizacja na rozdrożu. Konsekwencje rewolucji naukowo-technicznej dla społeczeństwa i dla człowieka. Tłum. Andrzej Hodoly. Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza, 1971.
Sommer, Vítězslav, Matěj Spurný, Jaromír Mrňka. Řídit socialismus jako firmu. Technokratické vládnutí v Československu, 1956–1989. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2019.
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The article discusses the importance of various concepts of well-being, good life, and human needs in climate protection. To this end, tourism literature is explored and critically evaluated concerning its prevalent hedonic and eudaimonic trends. The author proposes a wider application of the ‘theory of human needs’ to reduce tourism’s climate impacts and search for ways to meet people’s needs without overburdening the environment. Another aspect is the idea of moderation and restoring it as a concept of the good life. Given the climate crisis, it seems critical to highlight and socially negotiate the boundaries between moderation and excess, the need and luxury – also in the context of travelling. This is where concepts derived from the theory of needs such as ‘alternative need satisfiers’, ‘need satisfier escalation’, and sufficiency may prove useful. The article ends with references to patterns emerging in the Polish culture and a reflection on the resulting opportunities. Particular attention is paid to the 'krajoznawstwo' tradition – touring focused on learning about visited locations’ social, cultural, and historical background – and the possibility of opening up to the world without leaving home.
Key words: tourism, climate change, well-being, positive psychology, theory of human needs
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Garcês, Soraia, Margarida Pocinho, Saul N. Jesus, Michael S. Rieber. „Positive psychology and tourism: a systematic literature review”. Tourism & Management Studies 14, 4 (2018).
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Lamb, William F., Julia K. Steinberger. „Human well-being and climate change mitigation”. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 8, 6 (2017).
Mattioli, Giulio. „Transport needs in a climate-constrained world. A novel framework to reconcile social and environmental sustainability in transport”. Energy Research and Social Science 18 (2016).
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Ryff, Carol D., Burton H. Singer. „Know thyself and become what you are: An eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being”. Journal of Happiness Studies 9, 1 (2008).
Vada, Sera, Catherine Prentice, Noel Scott, Aaron Hsiao. „Positive psychology and tourist well-being: A systematic literature review”. Tourism Management Perspectives 33 (2020).
Less is enough?
This article studies the discourse of minimalists who, as critics of consumerism, propose to shift our focus towards intangible goods while proposing certain techniques to facilitate such a reorganisation of life. Three most popular Polish blogs dedicated to this topic are analysed to reveal the legitimacy of perceiving minimalism as a tool for constructing a specific lifestyle. While modern minimalism may have little in common with the Christian idea of poverty, voluntary renunciation or restricting pleasure, it cannot be discredited as a means towards redefining oneself and a form of individual conversion. It can result in a new sensitivity to the challenges of late modernity. In a broader perspective, it constitutes a niche and subversive phenomenon efficiently integrated into the market logic that is seemingly contested by minimalists.
Key words: minimalism, consumerism, discourse analysis, blog
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Bauman, Zygmunt. Globalizacja. I co z tego dla ludzi wynika. Tłum. Ewa Klekot. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2000.
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Miller, Geoffrey. Teoria szpanu. Seks, ewolucja i zachowanie klienta. Tłum. Bartłomiej Reszuta. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 2010.
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The aim of this text is to analyse the conceptual plein-air convention of the 1970s as an example of practising moderation in the history of Polish culture. Conceptual plein-air meetings are shown as a great example of moderate artistic activity as well as an inspiration for creating and developing the idea of a moderate and good life in the present times. The first section of the article places the latter in the context of a broader debate on the climate crisis while calling for degrowth and moderation. The second part presents the artistic and social context of conceptual plein-air convention, highlighting the links between the limits to growth, criticism of development and technical advancement, and conceptual art. The third section analyses conceptual plein-air convention as a scenario for reflection on moderation and its practising in artistic creation. It also discusses the relevant – moderate – aspects of the 1971 Plein-Air Convention in the Zgorzelec Land and the 1972 Plein-Air Convention in Osieki, Poland. The authors conclude by emphasising the usability of the conceptual plein-air model as a tool for learning and practising the culture of moderation in modern times.
Key words: moderation, degrowth, plein-air convention, conceptual art
Aureli, Pier V. Less is Enough. Moscow: Strelka Press, 2014.
D’Alisa, Giacomo, Federico Demaria, Giorgos Kallis, red., Dewzrost. Słownik nowej ery. Tłum. Łucja Lange. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Łucja Lange, 2020.
Demaria, Federico, Francois Schneider, Filka Sekulova, Joan Martinez-Alier. „What is degrowth? From an activist slogan to a social movement”. Environmental Values 22, 2 (2013).
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Kallis, Giorgos. In Defense of Degrowth: Opinions and Minifestos. Red. Aaron Vansintjan. Brussels: Uneven Earth Press, 2018.
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Referring to the works by Giorgos Kallis and Jason Hickel, this article discusses the phenomenon of active and closed Polish coking plants in terms of boundaries and moderation. To this end, it analyses the case of a fully operational coking plant in Bytom-Bobrek and a closed coking plant in Ruda Śląska-Orzegowo, which was transformed into a memorial park and playground. In this context, the concepts of ultimate place and post-ultimate place are introduced as spaces that encourage reflection on human pride, unlimited extraction, and limits on fossil fuel burning/coking. The two case studies are supplemented with an interpretation of Jakub Pszoniak’s poetry and Diana Lelonek’s multimedia exhibition O węglu i lodzie [On Coal and Ice]. While exploring the cultural responses to unlimited coal burning and coking, both of which are detrimental to human health and cause environmental degradation later requiring long-term revitalisation and significant financial investments, the author ponders on the critical potential of images created by architects, poets, and artists. Similarly to the Greek tragedy referred to by Kallis, these images can scare and shock, and thus motivate people to abandon their pernicious habits and shift from the policy of growth towards a more balanced living and moderation.
Key words: coal cultures, ultimate place, Silesian mines, revitalisation, coking plants
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This article proposes to consider Olga Tokarczuk’s short story Profesor Andrews w Warszawie [Professor Andrews Goes to Warsaw] from the volume Gra na wielu bębenkach [Playing on Many Drums] as a tale of a journey to what could be called the starting point of the culture of moderation. It is a record of a process where the protagonist gets lost in a foreign city (and language) and is forced to limit the needs that make up the classic pyramid developed by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, with his physiological needs taking over and emerging as the involuntary ultimate goal of his journey. In the context of the culture of moderation, Professor Andrews arises as a peculiar example of an individual who applies reduction strategies and eventually arrives at the conclusion that if something does not condition the existence as such it is essentially redundant. While not devoid of a Cathartic element, the drama presents a character stripped off of all attributes of his previous status, juxtaposing them with the deficit of consumer goods in Poland during the martial law as a still valid perspective for questions about possession and (well-)being. Although the current slogans calling for a reduction of human needs tend to focus on nature, which finds it increasingly more difficult to endure our consumerist debauchery, the direction set by the culture of moderation remains unchanged.
Key words: need, moderation, Olga Tokarczuk, Professor Andrews Goes to Warsaw
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This text explores a new socio-cultural phenomenon defined as a lifestyle or a state of mind oriented towards slow life and living in moderation, which emerges from the recent Polish and international literature for children and adults. In its theoretical part, the article discusses similar concepts such as slow food, slow media, slow parenting, etc., applied to the context of various activities and aspects of culture. The author argues that the philosophy that promotes slow life/slowing down/reducing the pace of life results from the need for a cultural change towards a more balanced approach to life and moderation in consumption. Its sources can be found in the practices of positive psychology and mindfulness. The empirical part offers an analysis of several books, including picturebooks, which the author finds important for children’s development and education due to their multi-layered content and multiple options of interpretation. They include Zgubiona dusza [The Lost Soul] by Olga Tokarczuk and Joanna Concejo (2017), Książę w cukierni [The Prince in the Confectionery] by Marek Bieńczyk and Joanna Concejo (2013), Kiedy dojrzeją porzeczki [When the Blackcurrants Ripen] by Joanna Concejo (2017), Pracownia Aurory [Aurora’s Workshop] by Roksana Jędrzejewska-Wróbel and Jona Jung (2019), Praktyczny pan [Practical Lord] (2016) by Roksana Jędrzejewska-Wróbel and Adam Pękalski, and Lis i rower [Fox and Bicycle] by Fibre Tigre and Floriane Ricard (2020). Content analysis is used as the research method.
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